Wednesday, April 2, 2014

...For The 'Heaven' Of It

Poetics Aside has us pondering voyages today...
I've been working at spring-cleaning so I suppose right now my family thinks cleaning, laundry and cooking is all I do;)
(they do not read my blog:)

Maybe to you my voyage seems to be a bit like housewife hell
My dear, someday I hope your dreams will find the heaven in its swell
And if it were but laundry-mop-and-dishes metronome
Perhaps it would be drudgery but oh, it is for Home

Maybe my voyage seems unglamorous, dust-cloths and brooms
Are not so very amorous, tis true; but in these rooms
I touch the Place of happiness for this is where we come
Away from gawking greediness to this; our home sweet home

…and I suppose there is no title for the pro of scrubbing pots
Or wiping up of cookie crumbs; picking forget-me-nots
And maybe all these miles I’ve vacuumed seem an aimless tome
But I have yet to find a kinder destiny than Home

© Janet Martin

I been asked by my kids, and even hubby on occasion; 'don't you ever get sick of your life?', or 'how do you stand it?'
I tell them its not always the doing but the Cause that gives me utmost pleasure!


  1. "Not the doing but the cause". l like that answer. Cleaning house is sometimes (most!) a thankless chore but it has to be done and we so get satisfaction that it's clean even if only for half an hour.

  2. Why do people we write for tend not to read what we write?.. Hmm..
    One of life's many dilemmas.
    Your house looks wonderful. Love the little rocking chair.

  3. Pamela, you said it. exactly:)

    Alexandra, I keep thinking it will be therefor them... someday.

    My dad made the little rocking chair. He also made tiny kids table and four chairs to match but they are downstairs...I think Matt's X-box is sitting on the table that was once held tea-parties, crayons, coloring-books...the chairs get used for goal-posts when they play mini-sticks hockey:) still good times!

  4. p.s. the little guy I babysit has a love-hate for that blue donkey; it laughs when tickled:) :) but he loves the rocking chair to look at books!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!