Saturday, August 17, 2013

August Poem

Heaven on earth is Augusts’ afternoon
Of cricket seraphim; sun-flower swoon
Of parched meadows primed for the draught of dusk-dew
Of harvest sprawled gold beneath dust-denim blue

August is heaven spilled gently to earth
Where hollows are brimming with wild-flower mirth
Where drifts our care; silver flecks in the sun
We count summer’s blessing slowly, one by one

August is heaven in rippling sweet-heat
Cajoling the highways and tickling bare feet
It graces the garden where mother and child
Gather the harvest as memories grow wild

August requiem, you murmur in the stream
You sigh in the willow and cry in my dream
I could not measure your peach-pungent worth
Beautiful pleasure of heaven on earth

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!