Tuesday, January 3, 2012


When you leave...
there is no rustle of sheets,
no re-tracing on my skin
the satisfaction
where your fingers and lips caressed.
When you leave
my lips are not throbbing
from your farewell kiss
and my body is not cooling
where it curved into the
firm and pleasing warmth
of you
but oh, there is in its place
the vexing sensation
that it should be
When you leave, all I hear
is good-bye
as you hang up the phone
Outside the chill-wind moans
in tuneless sympathy


At minus 17 I'm thinking of the blessing of warmth!

Linked to .http://withrealtoads.blogspot.com/


  1. Separation is hard to bear, on an emotional and physical level. Your poem has captured that sense of deprivation very well.

  2. Separation leaves a void in body and emotions...your words so aptly describe it. Keep warm!

  3. I really enjoyed the whole poem, then at the end felt the extreme chill! (Indeed warmth would be a blessing.)

  4. Kerry, Susie, Mary, thank-you for your kind thoughts.

  5. I thought for a moment you wrote an aubade poem because I just posted one.

    I like the creative way of saying goodbye over the phone versus the actual departure. And yes, its cold here too ~

  6. So beautifully written. The last two lines were especially evocative. Very effective imagery that progresses from warmth to cold. I'm impressed!

  7. Wow Janet!
    I really enjoyed this poem, the linger of wonder and wondering~

  8. Well done. I could feel the longing and the cold in this poem.

  9. another sad one after Heaven,

    well put, love the vivid imagery with lips and more...


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!