Monday, January 2, 2012

Sudden Undoing

Who could have expected such numbing pain

Or that something as completely mundane

As a shovel

Leaning against the plum-tree

Would be the undoing

Of carefully protected stitches

Loss has many faces

And leaps from unwary places

The wind cannot set a-drift need

Anymore than a thousand friends

Can replace the missing of you, my love

How perpetually longing can bleed

Easily, as yarn unravels from torn sweaters

Memories spill from tear-worn letters

And mere thought cannot stop its undoing

‘Darling, remember our pledge at the plum-tree, because’

Your words blur; a shovel is futile

When trying to bury the past... and us



  1. Wow! The last two lines of this wordle take my breath away! A wonderfully STRONG end to a strong poem, which really uses the wordle words to the fullest.

  2. Powerhouse of a poem, Janet. It sucks the breath right out of you, just as such a loss does. Excellently written.

    Love your header image too; I haven't lived in snow country for a few years now, but that photo takes me back to New England.

  3. Mary and Traci, Thank-you so much.

    Traci, you are a wise woman;) You've traded the shovel for beach umbrella perhaps:)?

  4. Happy New Year, Janet! Traci is right...this is a powerhouse of a poem. You took the shovel to an interesting intimacy. I loved my stop here, rich with story...

  5. Powerful. The last two lines are superb.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!