Friday, March 8, 2024

The Best That Boast Can Laud (begins and ends with God)

Happy...Friday?!! AlreadyπŸ˜…πŸ™πŸ’—

So many sweet photo-op skies this week...
Below, just a few!

The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.
  16For in Him all things were created, things in heaven and on earth,
visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities.
 All things were created through Him and for Him.
17He is before all things, and in Him all things hold together.

All beauty we behold is divinely founded!
without God's mercy and might to hold it in place
it would all fall!

Artists, since the beginning mimic His creation,
all inspiration of God-breathed origin!

My poetic endeavors have been challenged this week
it seems. It flew by in a blink of blessing!

Mon.-Food safety and management course, 

Tues.-grand-sonny visit, appointment, small group gettogether,

Wed. finishing food prep and delivery for event mentioned here 
Thursday-Help my mom with spring-cleaning (forgot camera!!)😭
...and just like that!!! It's Friday!

Today I am prepping food and house 
for our youngest daughter's birthday celebration
on the weekend!
A whole bunch of friends staying over while 
Jim and I stay outπŸ˜…πŸ’

I began this poem yesterday morning!
The first line fell from Heaven as I stood admiring the sky
while rubbing sleep from my eyes...

Time’s fountain brims with life; it peals from belfries gold and gray
Its showstoppers run rife; God never takes a holiday
The Hand that tunes the tide that ebbs and flows with season-sweeps
Regales the countryside with color, crowned with boundless deeps
The best that boast can laud as brush and pen rush awe’s grandstands
Begins and ends with God; each work of art drawn from His hands

He grants the breathless dance of worship’s unrehearsed requiem
And cheers hope’s countenance with refreshment where mercies stream
In wonders of creation, from the wellspring of his Word
Reasons for celebration overflow and undergird
To kindle exaltation that is incomparable
Salvation’s invitation still extends to one and all

God’s goodness never ceases to thrill the soul that believes
Unrivaled masterpieces humble all mankind achieves
Thus, the best boast can muster as we meditate on This
Are endeavors to trust Him more because of Who He IS
His faultless Influence imparts the best that boast can laud
All art we woo from hands and hearts begins and ends with God

© Janet Martin

Every artist who ever has dipped pen or brush
 into inkwells and paint palettes
draws from scenes cupped and cradled in God's Hands!
Thus every work of art ought to be signed-
By His grace
For His glory!

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Wake In Me (a Careful Wanting)

 Life is like a flower blooming on the grave that claims it due...


I love the group of fellow-believers I gather with
every Tuesday night, to open God's Word together,
to learn, to worship, to meditate on God's goodness and holiness,
 and to challenge and encourage each other in our walk by faith!

This morning my devotion included this glorious passage from Titus 3-
(which is kind of a continuance of our focus/discussion last night; 
God's holiness and our response/attitude in return
and our assurance of salvation through His shed blood)

4 But when the kindness and love of God our Savior appeared,
 5 he saved us, not because of righteous things we had done, 
but because of his mercy. 
He saved us through the washing of rebirth and renewal by the Holy Spirit,
 6 whom he poured out on us generously through Jesus Christ our Savior,
 7 so that, having been justified by his grace, 
we might become heirs having the hope of eternal life.
 8 This is a trustworthy saying. And I want you to stress these things, 
so that those who have trusted in God may be careful 
to devote themselves to doing what is good. 
These things are excellent and profitable for everyone.


A Prayer...
Wake in me a careful wanting for a heart, humble and true
Shield me from the futile flaunting of the follies of this world
Fill me, through Your word with wonder at the holiness of You
Awe me with the sacred splendor of love’s Majesty unfurled

Show me, oh, my precious Savior, (lest I stray) the way to walk
Let me not forget hope’s favor You suffered at Calvary
Fix my eyes in the direction of the cross You did not balk
Make my life like a reflection of the love that pardoned Me

Let no carnal care consume me with love’s opportunity
Life is like a flower blooming on the grave that claims it due
Thus Lord, wake a careful wanting for more of Your love for me
May it thwart the tempter’s taunting because of my love for You

© Janet Martin


Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Never Too Young (or old) To Learn

Sweetheart helping/learning to make butter tarts!

I generally am treated to 100% sweetness by this little gal
but 'rumor' has it there's another side that sometimes isn't quite so!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜…πŸ™

Sometimes, when 'training up' children, an extra-firm hand is required;
A hand that let's them know that no tantrum will change the expectation for obedience!
It is vital that a child learns as early as able, 
to recognize and respect/obey authority!

Sometimes, we as God's children need that firm Hand too.
How easily we (like children) are prone to ignore 
and disrespect/disobey His Supreme Authority!
We, like little children, can be as sweet as pie (or butter tarts) when all goes well!
But what about those other times, when wills clash?!

Romans 6:16
Do you not know that when you offer yourselves as obedient slaves, 
you are slaves to the one you obey, 
whether you are slaves to sin leading to death, 
or to obedience leading to righteousness?

The quest to please ourselves, it seems, comes very naturally
Rousing a wrestling match between Self and authority
We are not born to want to yield to edicts not our own
The master of our lives revealed by what our deeds make known

The quest to please ourselves is something that is never taught
Human nature is always king over empires of thought
The living proof of love’s touchstone demonstrates without fail
Who resides on the heart’s veiled throne; choice, its own tattle-tale

The quest to please ourselves is not uncommon or bizarre
Until we yield our will to God, love is a tug-of-war
Until we love Him first, we will not find true joy because
The quest to please ourselves is cursed with the worst part of us (sin)

We all have faced the giant in the valley of love tried
We all have been defiant, self-reliant, blind with pride
But, pray, we all have borne the blow that brought us to our knees
And slew the masquerading foe, impossible to please

And pray our quests have been condensed till only One prevails
Treasured with humble confidence/reverence in God who never fails
And pray that when we are beguiled to prize some lesser goal
He reminds us, we are His child; the Saviour of the Soul

© Janet Martin

Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly 
above all that we ask or think,
 according to the power that works in us, 
 to Him be glory in the church 
by Christ Jesus to all generations,
 forever and ever. 

so, here's to that universal classroom of
'never too old to learn' or to forgive, or repent,
and confess our sins and try-try-again!

Below, an inspiring excerpt from the life story of
George Mueller of Bristow...

Monday, March 4, 2024

Ode to Father Time

Dear Father Time...

I never tire of your ways...

Your sweet and sun-steeped golden days...(today, a balmy 20C)

Your contours, swaddled in soft grays...

Your landscapes, washed in pink...

A quick pit-stop for supper and off again)

Spring is like a dog straining wildly at its leash today!

I never tire of your ways
Your sweet and sun-steeped golden days
Your contours, swaddled in soft grays
Your landscapes, washed in pink
Your rough-and-tumble give and take
Your waves that sob and surge and break
Across shorelines that gleam and ache
With untamed poem-ink

I never tire of your hymn
It trembles in the barren limb
And throbs as buds begin to brim
With orchestras of green
With daybreak’s lilac-tinted sighs
And twilight’s gentle lullabies
With hellos, harboring goodbyes
With all that falls between

I never tire of your waltz
Your minuet and somersaults
Your promenade that never halts
But twirls me round and round
Till I am breathless with delight
Yet never tire of the sight
Of you, gilt-edged ‘gainst gath’ring night
Of a new day unbound

I never tire of your ease
Turning moments to memories
Taming my younger-hungered pleas
With humble thankfulness
My cheek against your stubbly chin
Ah, darling, how can I begin
To count your ways I cannot win
Yet love you nonetheless

© Janet Martin

Saturday, March 2, 2024

Perfect Satisfaction (because we all seek to be satisfied)

Every life is a testament, not only
of how much God loves us,
but of how much we love Him!

Photo:  Yesterday's Bake-Apple Crumble Tarts and Scottish Coconut and Jam Tarts
Today's bake (plan): Butter tarts!

I am currently working at a 'tart buffet' as part of a meal
next Wednesday evening 
for all our youth, junior youth and kid's zone ministry leaders at church; approx. 50!
Isn't it a wonderful blessing to be able to serve those who serve others
with a delicious 'encouragement/appreciation' meal once a month?!

BTW!! this was not my initial reaction of 'love'! (insert blush)
My first thought, I am ashamed to say was 'why? all this work/fuss etc.
 when they could all grab a bite before their meeting?!!
It would be SO much easier...
There are so many things faulty with the above attitudeπŸ˜“
hence, the need for confession.
Then to top it off,  I was thoroughly convicted by a conversation from/with
 an ancient Brother Lawrence from the 1600's!

I ordered this little book to tag on a few dollars 
so I would qualify for free shipping!
I am only on the second conversation and have been utterly
encouraged and convicted/corrected in my often carnal tendencies...

We all seek to be satisfied
The world, a big buffet
Of tempting fruit cajoling pride
With ‘did God really say?’

So much to see and touch and taste
What vast fields Choice deploys
Soon yielding either worth or waste
In Want’s pursuit of joys

What fickle ventures we afford
What futile wish and whim
We chase, until we love the Lord
And yield our hearts/lives to Him

Then, come what may, bitter or sweet
When love for God prevails
We find a life of joy complete
Because love never fails

We all seek to be satisfied
God’s grace, a grand buffet
Of hope the world cannot provide
Or ever take away

The more we love the Lord, the less
We want of lesser things
As we embrace/enjoy the happiness
Only loving God brings

© Janet Martin

1 Thessalonians 3:12
And may the Lord cause you to increase and overflow
 with love for one another and for everyone else, 
just as our love for you overflows,

Philippians 1:9
And this is my prayer: 
that your love may abound more and more
 in knowledge and depth of insight,

Last night as our youngest daughter's little
'blue bug' puttered away I prayed a special blessing on her and all the
fellow-workers who serve/minister to our precious youth!

We are obligated to thank God for you all the time,
 brothers, as is fitting, because your faith is growing more and more, 
and your love for one another is increasing.

1 Thessalonians 4:1
Finally, brothers, we ask and encourage you in the Lord Jesus 
to live in a way that is pleasing to God,
 just as you have received from us. 
This is how you already live, 
so you should do so all the more.

Friday, March 1, 2024

New Month's Resolutions

 Happy, happy March! (already?!!)

This winter is flying by and hardly feeling like 'real' winter
with its milder temperatures and lack of snow!
Although last evening wasn't mild!
I almost froze my fingers to get these sunset poses!!!

I had to miss the magnificent, pink finale because I needed to go back inside to thaw my hands!
Note to self: never assume to be fine without mittens no matter how mild a few days earlier was!

May we make today more cheerful by being thankful and kind
And by keeping thought life gentle with fellowman's needs in mind
May we not be blind to beauty's wonder-thund'ring treasure trove
But embrace life's common duties with a glad and grateful love

Pray the Lord's goodness will fill us with joy bursting at the core
Rather than highlights that thrill us then leave us thirsting for more
Pray love’s meek and quiet spirit shields us from frontlines of strife
From lust of the flesh and eye, and dust to dust’s vain pride of life

Behold! each moment-memento brims with opportunity
May we delight in the tempo tuning Today’s symphony
For, sufficient for each hour is God’s glorious grace unfurled
Ah! Nothing can overpower He who overcame the world

May we make today more lovely by the way that we reply
To the Giver; not rude-grumbly, but with humble ‘here am I’
As creation spills our ears full, as dawn sets yon heights ablaze
May we make today more cheerful by joining its hymn of praise

For soon high's noon's full bloom flounders; soon plush petal-mettle yields
To the tug that always counters today with tomorrow's fields
So, before today is gathered into Bygone's works of art
May its moments as they scatter leave a smile in someone's heart

© Janet Martin

For You, O LORD, have made me glad by Your deeds;

I sing for joy at the works of Your hands.

5How great are Your works, O LORD,

how deep are Your thoughts!

6A senseless man does not know,

and a fool does not understand,

7that though the wicked sprout like grass,

and all evildoers flourish,

they will be forever destroyed.

8But You, O LORD, are exalted forever!