Saturday, January 13, 2024

Of Dialogue Unseen

Nothing we do, no matter how noble, or enjoyable, or profitable
can/should take the place of 
fellowship with the One who made and knows us completely!
Sometimes when I feel busy its tempting to 'skip' a time
of morning fellowship with my/our Giver of every good and perfect gift!
How foolish to choose to settle for less of Him 
on those days we need more of Him! 

Yesterday I enjoyed some mid-winter canning!

I schnitzed the last of the apples from our tree...

...because it looks like the temperatures are going to dip enough
that the produce I was still storing in the garage, might freeze.

I turned some of the cabbage, carrots and onions into another batch of veggie soup!

Below,  little spinoff from this morning's quiet fellowship with my Best Friend

Search me, O God, and know my heart: 
try me, and know my thoughts:
And see if there be any wicked way in me, 
and lead me in the way everlasting.

Lord, hearer of lament
Beholder of my heart
Discerner of thought and intent
You do not see in part

…but know all things. You look
Beyond what love pretends
My life is like an open book
That no excuse defends

Lord, nothing can replace
The fellowship between
The Taker and Giver of grace
In dialogue unseen

Through You the branch bears fruit
Faith can no proxy plead
Prayer has no equal substitute
To satisfy its need

Unless Thy Word prevails
And Thy laws I embrace
In vain I hoist devotion’s sails
In vain I state my case

O Lord, search my lament
You see and know my heart
Thou, Discerner  of thought's intent
How very great Thou art
© Janet Martin

 Psalm 139:1-6 & 13-18

O LORD, You have searched me

and known me.

2You know when I sit and when I rise;

You understand my thoughts from afar.

3You search out my path and my lying down;

You are aware of all my ways.

4Even before a word is on my tongue,

You know all about it, O LORD.

5You hem me in behind and before;

You have laid Your hand upon me.

6Such knowledge is too wonderful for me,

too lofty for me to attain...

For You formed my inmost being;a

You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

14I praise You,

for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

Marvelous are Your works,

and I know this very well.

15My frame was not hidden from You

when I was made in secret,

when I was woven together

in the depths of the earth.

16Your eyes saw my unformed body;

all my days were written in Your book

and ordained for me

before one of them came to be...

How precious to me are Your thoughts,b O God,

how vast is their sum!

18If I were to count them,

they would outnumber the grains of sand;

and when I awake,

I am still with You.

Friday, January 12, 2024

Brief Encounter (with Today) or Truth's Long Encounter (with Eternity)


all my days were written in Your book

and ordained for me

before one of them came to be...


Take heed, brethren, lest there be

in any of you an evil heart of unbelief,

in departing from the living God.

but exhort one another daily

while it is called Today;

lest any of you be hardened through

the deceitfulness of sin

I wonder what today will bring!

Yesterday brought a sweet visit with my sister 

at a friend's beautiful home!

...and an opportunity to be utterly enchanted 

by our Creator's handiwork

as we walked on a riverside trail nearby!

this poem originally was the first three stanzas, 
then, as I was posting it, three more tumbled out😅😏
so, maybe you just want to read three or maybe you will read six.
Either way, may God bless and guide you and me 
 as we try to make the most of
Today's Brief Encounter

Where you will go, I know; your predecessors lead the way
Through twilight’s westward gate each brief encounter disappears
Yet, when I wake, once more you fill each window, like a tray
Replenished with what waits to fuel prayers, laughter and tears

And, though I do not know the ins and outs of ups and downs
I know Whose faithfulness abides to cup each come-what-may
That waits to weave an echo-labyrinth of smiles and frowns
As yesterday’s tomorrow dons the fleet shoes of Today

…to run beneath my feet, the sacred sweep that ekes toward
The finish line where Time and taker’s marathon is through
Thus, dear Today, before you fade where dusk tugs heaven’s cord
And tucks you beneath stars, I want to make the most of you

Because only God knows how many of you yet remain
Before each Today He ordained for me has come to be
So then, because I know that you will never pass again
I want to make the most of mercy's gift of you to me  

Because there is much more than memories to make, at stake
Much more than love's emotional or sentimental spree
Today is the day of salvation; a gift all should take
To prepare for Truth's Long Encounter with Eternity 

Then we should pay attention to each Today that we have
(As surely as the upward flight of sparks, its end will be)
But, Soul transcends the trek that spans between cradle and grave
Where Today's brief encounter hems Truth's Long Eternity

© Janet Martin

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Then, Help Me Lean on You Again (A Prayer)

 for this snow-soft winter morning, I thank-you Lord...🎜🎝

Seldom can I recall lines from the night before, the following morning 
unless I jot them down .
The first two lines of today's poem, first introduced
 as I was getting into bed last night
were still with me when I awoke this morning!
This is my prayer for me and you
as we learn to lean on God's arms again and again.

I want to walk with You today
And talk with You along the way
In all I do I want to see
The evidence of You with/in me

I want to think on things I should
And speak only words sound and good
In all I say I want to hear
Your still, small Voice to commandeer

I want to trust in You alone
To help me through each day’s unknown
In all I face I want to know
Your gift of grace whereby I go

Father in Heaven I thank You
For Your Presence, faithful and true
Then help me lean on You again
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen

© Janet Martin

Righteousness and justice are the foundation of your throne;
love and faithfulness go before you.
Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you,
who walk in the light of your presence, Lord.
 They rejoice in your name all day long;
they celebrate your righteousness.

Sweet hour of prayer, sweet hour of prayer

1 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
that calls me from a world of care,
and bids me at my Father's throne
make all my wants and wishes known.
In seasons of distress and grief,
my soul has often found relief,
and oft escaped the tempter's snare
by thy return, sweet hour of prayer!

2 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
the joys I feel, the bliss I share
of those whose anxious spirits burn
with strong desires for thy return!
With such I hasten to the place
where God my Savior shows his face,
and gladly take my station there,
and wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!

3 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer!
thy wings shall my petition bear
to him whose truth and faithfulness
engage the waiting soul to bless.
And since he bids me seek his face,
believe his word, and trust his grace,
I'll cast on him my every care,
and wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer!

Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Homemaker's Prayer

Last night I started reading this book.
 (lent to me by a friend who knew I would love it, and I do!)
I fell in love with it from the first paragraph (pictured below)! 
reflections on the value of home, 
timeless good advice for homemakers,
 prayers, stories and recipes
connected to the stories!

In the first chapter, (written in the '60's) she is contemplating the 
increasing breakdown of homes,  the foundation of strong nations!
Even more relevant now! 

Lord, help me to make home a haven of kindness and grace
For nothing else in all the world can take home-sweet-home’s place
Then fit me with Thy joy and strength, fill every task I do
With thankfulness and love, so above all, I honour You

Lord, help me guard the heart of home with fierce, yet tender care
Lest some ruinous habit leaves it in sad disrepair
Keep me aware of what may harm or wreck its shielding wing
For the heart of the home is like a living, breathing Thing

… And never let the barb of discontentment tear a hole
Into the fabric that ought to protect, cheer and console
Lord, when my home begins to feel like a fragile, chipped cup
Still, let no failure foster the temptation to give up

Lord, teach me with humility to tend with mother’s pride
To details that kindle a glow that reaches far and wide
So that, no matter how far from its happy hearth we roam
The flicker of love’s Candlelight instills a sense of home

…and always draws us gladly back to where we long to be
To nourish us with home-sweet-home’s familiarity
Where welcomes are never worn thin, where love attends life’s woes
In, pray what grants a glimpse of Home beyond time’s curtain-close

© Janet Martin

I love how the beginning of the second chapter
 is in sync with the season I am in;
slowly tucking Christmas away, bit by bit

Books like this kindle in me 
a sweet contentment for the domestic 'mundane'  bliss
For things like 


folding laundry...

tidying clutter...

making cabbage rolls...

(enough to freeze some for convenient suppers-for-one))

Cabbage Rolls...

Psalm 51:10
Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

For Our 'Happy-in-Waiting' (in Happy New Year)

I started this poem a week ago,
snaring lines as they bobbed by...
This week I finally had a chance to collect more fragments
from my trek through impending happiness-es!
I splashed through brooks, 
went on a picnic,
 laughed at a silly, fat robin,
and SO much more!

Happy Whatever Happy-in-waiting is waiting for you!

Winter’s canvas to be tickled with giggling snow-angel throngs

Below, one of my all-time favorite shots from days long gone
Victoria and her cousin...
Hush! plush-pink peony pom-poms wait to pop nature’s green cork...

Chill winds to be charmed and taken by soft zephyrs, blossom-sweet
Gardens to be warmed and ‘wakened by the banter of bare feet
Barren branches to be garnished with whispers of God-spun lace
Snowy hillsides to grow tarnished as sunbeams give winter chase

Dust to stir as fields are planted with both seed and farmer’s prayer
Hearts and souls to be enchanted by glory, heavens declare
Buds to burst with petal-plunder, miracles in every pod
Happiness immersed in wonder by the handiwork of God

Sassy robin tugging dinner from a grassy smorgasbord
Scrumptious supper-soups to simmer, coffees to be brewed and poured
Into fav’rite mugs, hand hugged and ever so blissfully sipped
While the bashful morn is tugged across skylines, pink and gold dipped

Summer’s harvest to be pickled, autumn to dwindle leaf-songs
Winter’s canvas to be tickled with giggling snow-angel throngs
Cheese and whole-grain cracker-stackers to pack in a picnic lunch
Bunch ‘o please-and-thank-you-happy snackers munching carrot-crunch

Steps to slow to walk with children, innocence to steal our breath
While we point the way to Heaven from earth’s thoroughfares of Death
Cozy snuggle-with-me twilight while outside the world grows dark
Foibles turning into hindsight as discernment meets its mark

Solemn Last Post and Reveille Remembrances-lest we forget
Fires to be stoked and fences to tend to, not mended yet
Hush! plush-pink peony pom-poms wait to pop nature’s green cork
Rush of seasons waits to romp and vex wild wanderlust with work

Payments to be made and worry to teach us to use our knees
Patience to test ‘we’re late’ hurry, as we search for phones, shoes, keys
Kindness to be shown, ink-hunger to be fed with books, books, books
Inner child to rediscover as we wade through fields and brooks

Cakes to bake and decorate for birthdays yet to celebrate
Beach to stroll and hand to hold; don’t wait until it is too late
Silver poplar’s shiny shivers, tap dancers made out of rain
Waltzing on impromptu rivers gushing down the street and lane

Naughty puppy to be scolded, antics by Mr. Mischief
Laundry to be washed and folded, to-do-lists-achieved-relief
Days to drain of exultation to God for blessing-heaped trays
Thought to tune with adoration, heart to overflow with praise

© Janet Martin

Scrumptious supper-soups to simmer,
(instead of scrumptious supper-soup, last night was scrumptious, supper-stirfry!)
Chicken and veg stir-fried and served on a bed of stir-fried/steamed cabbage and black beans

What Trustworthy Reason To Rejoice

On this wild and wooly Canadian winter morning...
a love song!

Sweet and sobering Psalm 25 helped inspire this poem.

The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him,

What wondrous reason to rejoice
Hope sets my heart ablaze
And beckons me to lift my voice
In hymns of gladdest praise

What awed expectation holds dear
Which He reveals to all who fear

What countless reasons to be glad
In spite of sorrow’s woe
Because of the sorrow God had
Because He loves me/us so

He, whose love is mighty to save
Set my captive soul free
His Son to ransom me

The blood of Jesus washed away
Sin’s curse; nothing else could
Now each day grants a chance to pay
My debt of gratitude

…with joy and hope's trust-worthy praise
Where endless reasons brim
To live a worship hymn

...and never let love's gladness cease
Through wayward wish or whim
To all who trust in Him

© Janet Martin

Psalm 72:19
And blessed be His glorious name forever;
 may all the earth be filled with His glory.
 Amen and amen.

Due to the gale more birds are opting for ground-cover today😂😅

One mourning dove (middle top) is getting his feathers ruffled as he applies his brakes😂😁