Friday, April 23, 2021

Date With Daybreak...

PAD Challenge 23: For today's prompt, write an appointment poem.

Ah, let me look at you longer
You always hurry by
As if you had appointments too
Up in the big blue sky

Ah, let me linger in your blush
Of young and fresh appeal
…yet, as I plea I sense the tug
Of duty’s tireless zeal

Ah, let me lean over the brink
Of where no one has been
To touch the hemline of your robe
Shimmering, silver-green

Ah, from my perch upon my porch
Let me learn, sweet and slow
Beneath the sunshine of your smile
The art of letting go

© Janet Martin

Thursday, April 22, 2021

For Thee, Dear Earth's Creator

 PAD Challenge day 22: Write a nature poem.

For Thee, Dear Tree

For Thee, Dear Bud

For Thee, Dear Seed

For Thee, Dear Bird 

and Brook...

For Thee, Dear Lord...

For thee, dear tree that spreads thy root-webbed skein
Beneath our feet, to drink from darksome spring
While overhead thy leafy mezzanine
Spills shadow-rooms fit for beggar and king

For thee, dear bud, that cups a wondrous loom
Where none can witness nature’s steadfast law
Until thy broken seal reveals the bloom
And steals our breath, ten-thousand times, with awe

For thee, dear seed, of grand potential
A miracle within a speck-sized brood
Yet, from these origins so miniscule
A feast unfolds; earth’s table groans with food

For thee, dear bird and brook and butterfly
And buzzing bee in petal-portico
For hills and plains that roll out to the sky
In tides of green and gold and indigo

For Thee, dear Lord, that didst entrust earth’s heart
To be cared for and tended by mankind
I humbly vow to try to do my part
To labour well, with future-kin in mind

© Janet Martin

And they were calling to one another:
 "Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory."

Psalm 24:1
The earth is the LORD'S, and the fulness thereof; 
the world, and they that dwell therein.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Reminder To Me or Tangled Work of Art or Strings Attached

PAD Challenge 21: Here is Robert Lee Brewer's Prompt for Today

For today's prompt, take the phrase "(blank) Me," 
replace the blank with a word or phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

How pure the banter of the breeze
That skims the rippled brook...

How precious, child's boots caked with mud...

How beautiful is joy, how bright
Its happiness, unmatched
But remember, the sheer delight
Of joy has strings attached

How pure the banter of the breeze
That skims the rippled brook
And plucks joy’s strings in melodies
Not written in a book

How lovely is the laughing child
How darling and how dear
How sweet the street where dreams run wild
Before Doors interfere

How precious, child's boots caked with mud
After heads bow with grief
Beside a grave, where Mortal Bud
Is restored to Time's Chief 

For strings of joy both bind and rend
Oh, how they tug and throb
As sorrow sears the tender end
And keens the soul to God

How frayed, joy’s strings, through letting go
How stained with salty tears
How stretched by high five and low blow
How seasoned with the years

How priceless then, joy’s sacred strings
(Though tangled works of art)
For from the loom of sorrow wings
A humbly, thankful heart

© Janet Martin

You Will Forget Me (when I'm gone)

PAD Challenge21: Here is Robert Lee Brewer's Prompt for Today

For today's prompt, take the phrase "(blank) Me," 
replace the blank with a word or phrase, 
make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem. 
Possible titles include: "Tell Me," "Forgive Me," and/or "You've Got to Believe Me." 
Of course, feel free to bend the rules 
and have a title like "Home Sweet Ho(me)" or "Pick a The(me)."

Okay, so I acknowledge,
my homespun scribblings will never grace the Literary World's Center Stage,
but it's still important to remember,
'that fields of ink may live from age to age'

These volumes below are living proof !


These few pages above are just a glimpse of 
this volume packed with ancient masterpieces,
as powerful/relevant today as the day they were penned!

My name will fade from thoughts and lips when I am dead and gone
The echo-world of 'us' will slip as Time’s Corp marches on
The bulk of my possessions and the things that I held dear
Will pass through hands; for we are all just brief sojourners here
All bound to be forgot, as generations disappear

Thus, here’s to poetry; its sea of passion undeterred
For though the poet may be gone, long lives the written word

The hand that held the pen, long after it returns to dust
May cheer some future fellowman, may buoy failing trust
May remind him or her though we are centuries apart
Time never really could deter the matters of the heart
Where love is our utter need and longing is its dart

Then write, dear poet, write; but bear in mind the grit of ink
Though we are gone a poem might live longer than we think

My name will fade like morning mist beneath the glaring sun
Soon all the faces that I kissed will to death’s tryst succumb
Who knows who waits to turn the leaves of Poet’s printed jot
What thread of influence will weave through some far future thought
Or who will glean the remnant sheaves of harvests, long forgot

Therefore, dear poet, as we plant the pastures of the page
Let’s not forget that fields of ink may live from age to age

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Unfailing Love

 PAD Challenge day 20;

For this Two-for-Tuesday prompt:
Write a love poem and/or...
Write an anti-love poem.

(I share this song repeatedly because I love it)

Love in blood-veiled glory, bowed
Did not fall or fail
Gave His life, though, loud the crowd
Mocked and scorned Hope’s Grail

Love in utter Mercy groaned
It is finished, then
With his dying breath atoned
Fallen sons of men

Love in glorious triumph rose
Scorned death's lowly tomb
For no burial could enclose
Resurrection’s Bloom

Love in kind compassion waits
To rend Yonder Veil
Too many outside the gates
Where love did not fail

© Janet Martin

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness.
 Instead he is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, 
but everyone to come to repentance.

Love Is A Tangle of Bed-sheets...

 PAD Challenge day 20;

For this Two-for-Tuesday prompt:
Write a love poem and/or...
Write an anti-love poem.


Love is a tangle of bed-sheets
To launder
Love is a naked undoing
Of hearts
Love is the bliss of a kiss
That might wander
Love is exploring its
Less private parts
Like ears to listen when the story
Gets longer
Like eyes to glisten with kind
Like arms to let go with and thereby
Grow stronger
Like feet to walk miles that nobody
Will see
Love is the truth that is proven
With action
Love tells the proof without saying
A thing
Love is not pretty when stripped of
Love is a servant, not enthroned like
A king
Love is life’s very imperfect
Love is the stuff heroes are
Made of
Love never leads us in the wrong
No wonder the greatest of these
Is love

Oh, pity the poor, poor creature 
of dust
Who never learns the difference between love 
and lust

© Janet Martin


For this Two-for-Tuesday prompt:
Write a love poem and/or...
Write an anti-love poem.

An intangible tempest
How innocent your stance
While teasing me with glimpses
Where unpenned poems dance

Your brooding predilection
Makes me the perfect prey
Your eyes full of suggestion
My sighs full of ‘you may’

My, but you are a heart-throb
Of possibility
How silver-blue your lures bob
On streams of dream-and-see

Darling, you turn a woman
To Hunger’s Masterpiece
You rouse in Her a poem
That begs for sweet release

No, I have never seen you
But every now and then
The page is our ballroom
Dear lover in my pen

© Janet Martin

Keeping the Courage...

 Jesus, Strong and Kind

Dear Jesus, fill our hearts with You
Not fear for fates as yet, unfurled
Your precious promises are true
Greater are You than all the world

Oh Lord, fix faith and hope and love
In Who we know but cannot see
Help us to raise our eyes above
Decay’s glove of mortality... You, eternal, kind and true
Dear Jesus, fill our hearts with You

© Janet Martin