Thursday, March 18, 2021

Our Greatest Awe of All

 Today's Daily Bread Bible reading is one of my favorite passages of scripture;


But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us, 
 even when we were dead in trespasses, made us alive together with Christ
 (by grace you have been saved), 
 and raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus, 
 that in the ages to come He might show the exceeding riches of His grace
 in His kindness toward us in Christ Jesus. 
 For by grace you have been saved through faith, 
and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, 
 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, 
which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

The wonders of creation, too manifold to tell
Still pale when in comparison to Living Water’s well
A worldwide invitation to come, to taste and see
The wonders of salvation through grace that sets us free
Where no more condemnation awaits all who believe
In He who paid our pardon, so mortal may receive
Redemption, thus exemption from death’s inherent doom
The hour of repentance, the flower of the tomb
Where the grave has no power, because of Calvary
Where Jesus became our scapegoat and victory
Where all who come to Jesus, He will not turn away
He gave His life to free us from Debt we could not pay
Then come, taste and behold through faith, Mercy's miracle 
The wonders of salvation, our greatest awe of all

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

From Wonder's Treasure Trove...

Do you ever wonder, when you get up
what wonders will fill you with wonder today?
And isn't it wonderful how wonder always take us by surprise?!

or above

Wonder spills its treasure trove!

Wonder is delight’s amazement, worship’s outpouring, unflawed
Wonder is that perfect moment as we forget all but God
As we marvel at the beauty of an unexpected ‘gift’
That surprises Ordinary and gives commonplace a lift

Wonder is awe’s perfect pleasure, making the meek mortal glad
From a trove of priceless treasure spills a thrilling myriad
Cheering creature-care with comfort as God captures our gaze
Composing from thrumming heart-strings a hymn of rapturous praise

Wonder sweeps away gray shadows from the deeps beneath our skin
Granting, at least for the moment, happiness without chagrin
Stealing our breath with sudden, sweet glimpses of paradise
As we taste the crumbs that scatter from a Table in the skies

© Janet Martin

Many, O LORD my God, are Your wonderful works 
Which You have done; 
And Your thoughts toward us 
Cannot be recounted to You in order; 
If I would declare and speak of them, 
They are more than can be numbered.

Psalm 40:5

Beware and Be Aware


Beware lest anyone [b]cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit,
according to the tradition of men,
according to the basic principles of the world,
and not according to Christ.
For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead [c]bodily;
and you are complete in Him, 
who is the head of all [d]principality and power.

Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep's clothing,
but inwardly they are ravening wolves.

Beware, and be aware of where pitfalls and snares bribe and beguile
The predator of pride-bent man can seduce hell-ward with a smile
While hailing those who embrace slogans that glorify man, not He
Of whom Paul praised with ‘I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me’

Beware, and be aware where we, without the full armour of God
Are not prepared sufficiently to face the fine art of a fraud
Or go forth into battle boasting nothing but self-confidence
In creature, not Creator, in death rather than deliverance

Beware, and be aware of those who trust in man rather than God
Who prefer over Wisdom’s gold, the pomp and show people applaud
Beware of those who think that prayer is nothing but vain whispers hurled
Because they are still unaware of power greater than this world

Beware, and be aware of signs that point toward the Lord’s return
Watch therefore and be ready in spite of the Light that scorner’s spurn
And though, because of wickedness the love of many will grow cold
Beware and be aware, prepare, watch and be ready to Behold

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, March 16, 2021

Thus, Fellowmen

 Don't you just love cooking with fresh ingredients?!

Don't you just love a child's eager curiosity?!

Don't you just love a sunny daybreak?!

or a surprise flower bouquet from a friend?!

...or winter-dusk's farewell hues?!

and thousands of other kindred kindnesses!!

With so much in common, why do we bicker so?!!

We walk life’s path of day to day
With many a bump along the way
With many a trip, slip, stumble-spree
(The birthplace of humility)

Thus, we should not be enemies
Because life’s commonalities
Are always more, we must confess
Than that which marks our differences

All that we have we leave behind
This but the dust of daily grind
Where rich or poor, small or great ken
By grace we go, thus, fellowmen

© Janet Martin


you never know what you're gonna get.
~ Forrest Gump


Sometimes that's how I feel about poetry before it is bitten/written!
SO much to taste; as fingers move you just never know what the end result will be!

Above photo from the book Through Irish Eyes

Do you ever look at history books and wonder at the photos, 
the fashions, the 'normal' of the time?!
Do you ever read a book from ages past,
and marvel at how much has changed
only to read the story of the people in the pictures
to realize that beneath façade 
humanity is as much the same as ever?!
People with souls pressing toward hope-and-dream goals
with many a bump along the way...

This poem took off in a totally different direction than I was expecting
when I first felt 'the niggle'...
That's the joy of poetry; you never know what you're gonna get!😄

Time does not change the way it pours four seasons round and round
It does not hasten or meander, ever tick-tock bound
Sunrise, sunset, now dry, now wet, now plant, now harvest, oh
Where it seems little stays the same as ages come and go

…but some things stay; life’s ilk of silk and steel still much the same
As on the day when Adam pointed at his wife with blame
The sweetness of indulgence of forbidden fruit is brief
Consequence still lasts so much longer borne with bitter grief

Yes, little stays the same but oh, the heart left to its rule
Is still desp’rately wicked as it caters to the fool
Pride still precedes destruction, arrogance authors the fall
And humble pie is still a most unpleasant victual

The youth that we try to preserve will still always fall prey
To Father Time who does not swerve or waver in his way
When man still loves a woman and a woman loves a man
Till death doth part, we still glimpse the heart of the Master's Plan

Innocence of a child is still the purest joy on earth
Mirth finds its dearest laughter and life finds its sweetest worth
Where man, still born to trouble will soon discover its rod
Push-pull, heave-ho, uphill we go, still by the grace of God

We still reap what we sow; God is not mocked, though some will dare
To think they can, spurning the love that didst their pardon bear
Man’s understanding still grapples with Lord God’s Sovereignty
The rebel still plucks ‘apples’ from the still forbidden tree

God's gift of grace is still free if we repent and believe
The sinner on one's own cannot redemption’s work achieve
We still all have only one life, death’s sickle sweeps the earth
And one by one we will return to He who authors birth

Time and humanity, while progress changes the façade
Are beneath the authority of Everlasting God
And while so little stays the same, some things will never change
Because of the Undying Soul no mortal can estrange

© Janet Martin

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.

Be still and know that I am God
Psalm 46:10

Be still before the LORD and wait patiently for him;
 do not fret when people succeed in their ways, 
when they carry out their wicked schemes
Psalm 37:7

Monday, March 15, 2021

All Together Somehow


Inspired with amusement by all our differences,
to keep life and love interesting!😍

Midst mess and mayhem
love and life unfold
in the clutter and clatter
of growing old-er

I'm de-cluttering (and spring-ifying) today after the weekend...

(don't you oh, so dearly love everyone
who adds a bit of clutter and clatter to your life?!!)

Flash-back to some Tuesday echoes 💗

Differing perspectives and personalities can make for some lively discussion sometimes...
(so kiddos leave to get lost in books while adults linger at the table)
...but let's never let it get in the way of love!

Ahoy! An envoy of eclectic attitudes embarks
From east to west on quests wrestling life's exclamation marks
Some ho-hum-hum and dum-de-dum, for they are more laid back
Than others who resemble predators poised for attack
Yet all together somehow while we fight with right and wrong
We are commanded to learn how to love and get along

Aha! The law of love runs through a pothole-riddled road
Some (seem to) dodge them all, some wheels fall off, some stumble ‘neath life’s load
But oh, we should remember we are all broken while bound
Toward That, which makes us all fellowmen on common ground
Where altogether somehow in this grin and groaning grind
We are commanded to encourage one another and be kind

Ho-ho! The ebb and flow of dawn to dusk is like a barge
That edges ever closer to where trav’lers disembark
Where now we are still tethered in an all-together Here
Before the ways we weather with one breath will disappear
So, then let’s all together somehow, by God’s grace each day we live
Obey His great command to love each other and forgive

© Janet Martin

Sunday night supper at gramma's house
always includes *'tea' in a cup from the colourful mug-tower!
(oh, the race to get first dibs on a colour!)
this little tradition always ends up soon involving a mop
 as L'il Lady and Gentleman are still learning the art of sipping without spilling😋

* a splash of tea topped with  much milk and a drizzle of honey

Of Half-way and Beyond

 Happy Already-halfway-through-March?!

...prepare to meet your God.”
He who forms the mountains,
who creates the wind,
and who reveals his thoughts to mankind,
who turns dawn to darkness,
and treads on the heights of the earth—
the Lord God Almighty is his name.

Amos 4:12-13

He who turns dawn to darkness...

Already halfway through what feels like a page we just turned
Moments outpoured and shaken into lessons taught and learned
Wonderment reawakened to the way Time spills its zest
Where east horizon hoists the flare that dims upon the west
Whilst renewing the lease where dreams and circumstance compete
Then easing into archives both the bitter and the sweet

Already at the halfway point of a month just begun
As we marvel at means of ‘nothing new under the sun
While struggling with the age-old ways of trouble and success
An elemental gauge that tunes and vexes happiness
Hinged to a Higher Power, like a flower that unfolds
To strew its petals on a path that Looking Back beholds

Already halfway through what was new not so long ago
No one can tame the tides (ides) that hide a sacred undertow
As toss of seasons rolls across the moss-glossed mouths of graves
Where none but God can see that halfway point of Numbered Days
Not forward but back to the One by whose kind grace man goes

If we have passed the halfway post of three-score years and ten
Then we know we are halfway through an average life span
And whether halfway through a day or week, a month or year
We ought to be aware and prepare for Death drawing near
Before Soul slips through that which leaves all halfway points behind

© Janet Martin

Sunday, March 14, 2021

Faith's Opportunity

Last Sunday our speaker reminded us 
that 'every challenge is an opportunity'.
How will we respond?

2 Cor.12:9
 “My grace is sufficient for you, 
for My strength is made perfect in weakness.”

Each season of life
runs rife with reasons
to trust God's Sovereignty 
The weight of what
yet waits is but
faith's opportunity

The weight of what yet waits grants opportunity for faith or fear
The Unknown, like an ocean that we cannot see or hear
Rolls in across the sands of time, revealing, breath by breath
The way that waves of day to day run rife with life and death

Spring, summer, autumn, winter, like a season-carousel
Spin round and round, on stomping grounds of hello and farewell
The weight of what yet waits to rush through gates barring Until
Keens senses to advances of its immense escadrille

Nobody knows what morrow holds, of joy or sorrow’s toll
Where Dust-to-dust must learn to trust the Keeper of the soul
Then, as we reconcile the Whiles that What-if contemplates
God walks with us and eases thus, the weight of what yet waits

All that we do not understand, oh God, help us to yield
Into Your nail-scarred Hands until Your purpose is revealed
For though we cannot see beyond the moment that we face
The weight of what yet waits is never greater than Your grace

© Janet Martin