Monday, December 30, 2019

Will of the Wintry Wind...

we woke to the wild will of the wind this morning!
all man powerless against its force.
we can muster the might to bear its bluster and batten down hatches
but we cannot thwart or deter that invisible fiend

Wind’s wild wail rakes hill and dale
Rouses sleepy russet leaves
Wakes the world with wrath unfurled
Rattling windows, doors and eaves
Riles the tops of bristled copse
Shrieks across earth’s living room
Tugs at hoods and bundled broods
Hustled by a bully’s broom

Rumbles, roars through out-of-doors
Like a freight train without form
Lunges, lashes, plunges, splashes
Like a sea tossed by the storm
Rankles, rages, rips at pages
Pressed like pansies in a book
Rough shod artist flings a heart-twist  
Into every nook and brook

 Puddles rippled, silver-stippled
Sweeps a sheet of streets, roofs, yards
Double-decker trouble-wreaker
Strews rubble through boulevards
Shakes and shivers brakes and rivers
Not a shred of courtesy
Pulls and pushes the bulrushes
Frazzles frothy filigree

Rosins fiddles bronze and brittle
Made of sticks and prairie grass
Steals our shingles, peels back wrinkles
Fills our fists with teenage sass
Keens desires for home-fires
And its world of simple joys
Makes us gladder for each other
While the wind its will employs

© Janet Martin

Oh, To Know

Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, 
but the Spirit who is from God,
 that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.
1 Cor.2:12


Oh, to know we are forgiven
Fills faith’s flight with wondrous worth
Tunes heart chords with hymns of heaven
Midst the pangs and twangs of earth

Oh, to know no one is ever
All alone through God alone
Comforts us with kind endeavor
Not to fear time’s vast Unknown

Oh, to know that we are able
Not through might of mortal form
But hope’s anchor keeps us stable
Through the night of trial’s storm

Oh, to know love’s purposed blindness
How, no matter what we boast
Nothing takes the place of kindness
Proving who we love the most

Oh to know soul’s condemnation
Cannot keep its curse of woe
As the promise of salvation
Frees the convict on death-row

Oh, to know in spite of stumbles
By the grace of God we press
My, but how this favour humbles
Grumbles turned to thankfulness

© Janet Martin

Saturday, December 28, 2019

Of Large Estate

Set a guard, O LORD, over my mouth;
keep watch at the door of my lips.
Do not let my heart be drawn to any evil thing
or take part in works of wickedness
with men who do iniquity;
let me not feast on their delicacies.
Let the righteous man strike me;
let his rebuke be an act of loving devotion.
It is oil for my head; let me not refuse it.
For my prayer is ever against the deeds of the wicked. 
Psalm 141:3-5 

Lord, set a watch before, behind
With measure sound and stout
That large estate of heart and mind
So volatile without

For as a man thinks so he is
The mouth speaks from the heart
These establish the genesis
Of all that we impart

Then help us to hunger and thirst
After Your righteousness
Though spirit wills the flesh is cursed
With inherent weakness

....where pride always precedes the fall 
As we prove with vain jest
That without Your love we are all
Deplorable at best

Make us unwise in our own eyes
Forbid we walk by sight  
Help us to humbly recognize
How much we need your Light

…and how we need a watch designed
By Whom all things are known
The large estate of heart and mind
So cunning on its own

© Janet Martin

 Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD and shun evil.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he:...

 You brood of vipers! How can you speak good things, when you are evil?
 For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.

Friday, December 27, 2019

Once Upon Truth, Not Make-Believe

Jesus! so much more than a baby in a manger on that first Christmas Day!  

 The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him, and said,
 “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!
John 1:29

Once upon truth, not make-believe
Sin cursed man through Adam and Eve
And birthed the madness of a race
That would be doomed but for God’s grace

Where long many prophets foretold
What many never saw unfold
That God would send a Lamb to be
The scapegoat for sin’s penalty

So long and strong the nations kept
The law with sacrifice inept
Because the blood of bulls, you see
Could not redeem eternally

Faithful God always keeps His Word
His thoughts and ways are undeterred
Thus, Father set beneath Love’s rod
His Son to be the Lamb of God

...and on that first fair Christmas morn
The Saviour of the world was born
Jesus, God of living and dead
Laid in a manger for His bed

(Where being God, He could have used
This as just cause to be excused
From the cost of salvation's plan)
But, He put on likeness of man

Not any man, but servant heart
So none would envy any part
His company the sick, cast down
Throngs followed him from town to town

Until that awful, glorious day
When death would have life’s perfect say
As ‘it is finished’ set man free
And stripped the grave of victory

And gave to all, once and for all
A way to be saved from the Fall
To grant to human race the joy
And hope that nothing can destroy

Through love and truth, not make-believe
That all of mankind may receive
For we are all part of a race
That would be doomed but for God’s grace

© Janet Martin

A Little Like a Garden...

My sister gave me the book Romance in the Garden by John H. Tobe
 in June for my birthday.

I began reading it recently and am not too far along yet but already totally in love with it 
because of little chapters like the one below

This soil we till where want and will
Bequeaths hope’s hearty toil
Yields far more than the crops we plan
As we gather its spoil

Sweat of the brow, push of the plow
‘Neath summer’s sprawling hue
Begets far more than gifted snore
When workaday is through

In the employ of grief and joy’s
Incumbent aftermath
We pause awhile to smile and smile
At blooms along the path

And in the wake of give and take
We come to realize
The trophy of a work worn glove
Makes more beloved the prize

For there we heard the singing bird
While bending to the task
And as we knelt, ah, there we felt
God close enough to ask

And there we learned respect is earned
This no one can demand
And there we find few things as kind
As that of helping hand

…or how the thrill of the downhill
Is not without the climb
and what we choose midst dreams and dues
Becomes how we spend time

How moments spill a plot we till
With what none can uproot
From One who grants far more than plants
As seed unfurls its fruit

© Janet Martin

 Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; 
for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.