Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Two for Two Tuesday

PAD Challenge:
Today’s prompt is a Two-for-Tuesday prompt. Here are your options:
  • Write a possible poem.
  • Write an impossible poem.

It is possible
In a plethora of words
To say nothing
And it is possible to say
With nothing
But a
It is possible
To hastily
A lifetime
Serving self
It is possible
To serve Him
With a cup of
Offered in
His name
It is impossible
To serve
God of heaven
gods of leaven
It is impossible
To love
Too much
Or never need
The tender touch
Of others loving
It is impossible
Though some may debate
To say we love
Yet harbor hate
It is impossible
To love others
Without listening
How can we love
Yet turn a deaf ear
Or blind eye
To tear-drops

© Janet Martin

Do We Hear Him?

Do we hear Him whisper in raindrops free-falling?
Do we hear His promise parting dormant deep?
As up from dawn’s ebony, ether horizon
Mercy and goodness in grace-fathoms sweep

Have we heard Him move in mute midnight’s vain groping?
Oh, have we listened to His tender tones
Soothing the silence where heartache and hoping
Shapes into prayer our raw, anguished groans?

Do we hear Him murmur in poplar-tree tresses
Or sigh in the sway of a willow at noon?
Oh, have we felt Him in sun-beam caresses
Brushing the chill from winter’s farewell swoon?

His power thunders from sprouts in a garden
His whisper rocks the foundations of earth
*Tetelestai seals our eternal pardon
Filling us with His love’s blood-purchased worth

Do we hear His utterance shatter fear’s dungeon
Or blot from the darkness despair’s troubled tear?
Soundless and boundless, I AM's declaration
Cradles the universe, oh, do we hear?

© Janet Martin

This morning I was constantly, calmly reminding Matthew that he needs to hurry because it’s almost bus-time. He continued to celebrate and cheer as he scanned the score-board. “Reimers had a shut-out. (Toronto Maple Leaf’s goalie) The blue-jays won!”

…a few minutes later, THE BUS! I keep reminding him that I mean what I say even when I am not using my ‘loud voice’.

The Truth abides whether shouted or whispered. Are we listening?

'Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.' John 14:6

*Greek for ‘It is finished’.

Monday, April 15, 2013

'They Grow Up Fast' (Rob and Emily are Engaged!)

 Rob and Emily are engaged! Emily is our oldest daughter. They are engaged to be married on Oct. 12 2013.
I took this photo last night right after they told us!

a Mother's thoughts the morning after...

Back then I didn’t know
Eternities were so short

‘They grow up fast’ other mothers said
And I nodded, kissing your newborn fingers
Curled tightly around this new
Mother-finger of mine
Glad there was an eternity
Twixt then and now

‘They grow up fast’ other mothers said
And I blinked back the tears
As you climbed on the bus,
And we both waved vigorously
I, so glad that between Kindergarten
And Commencement
Spread an eternity

‘They grow up fast’
Commencement; years past
While tears shape a mother’s
Joy-drenched grief
Because there are no eternities on earth
Only gasps

They grow up fast
…and you laugh
High on love and dreams
As you show us your ring
And you teach us new words
Like ‘plan a wedding’
And you think six months
Is an eternity

© Janet Martin

All her Dad can say is 'I'm not ready for this!' (though he is happy for her/them)
Are any of us ever truly ready?
Congratulations and God bless you, Robyn and Emily.
Love, Mom and Dad

Precious Agony

They cannot see
Its tender pieces are strewn
Like perfumed petals
Decking the grass
On a sunny afternoon
And they cannot feel
Time's soft breeze steal
With caresses
Part by part
The ever-expanding
Of a mother’s heart

© Janet Martin

Image source; pinterest

Infestation Poem

PAD Challenge: For today’s prompt, write an infested poem. There are many different infestations–from physical infestations to infestations of the heart and soul.

The world is infested
with a little worm called
me! me! Me!

Imagine how much 
good we could do
if we fought 'me'
with you! you! You!

Janet Martin

Things done for me
Dies with 'me'
things done for others
lives in eternally!

And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.Matt; 25:40

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Ice Princess

When my neighbor said there would be more 'beauty' in the morning we had no idea it would come at a price...no hydro. Our electricity is back after 3 days; for many it is not! Oh what bliss to be able to wash my face with warm water!

...and she screamed her arrival
no poise or grace
did she attempt
this ice-princess
tapping her nails
in noisy descent
sealing the landscape
in a glass tent


Thursday, April 11, 2013

Evening, Come Gently

 As I took these pictures a few minutes ago I told the neighbor I'm trying to find the beauty in this! He replied that there's going to be a lot more 'beauty' come morning:))Alas, the evening is not so gentle now; it sounds like someone is flinging pebbles at the window.

Evening, come gently and soften the gale
Binding the landscape in icy travail
Subdue the mistral of howling lament
Whisper your kisses against its torment
Remind Old Man Winter his time has expired
Then evening, come gently, the trees are so tired

Evening, come softly and gentle away
The pelting of ice tears and land-seas of gray
Cradle the country-side ensconced in glass
Smooth back the ocean of winter’s last blast
The half-budded limb has grown heavy with grief
Pausing the vim of a newly born leaf

Evening, come tender, with motherly love
Hush the snow splendor that weeps from above
Comfort the wee bird hunkered in its nest
While over, around him the wind-demons jest
Evening come gently with sweet lullaby
Soothe the wild tempest screaming from the sky

© Janet Martin

Waiting for Spring

Flirtatious breeze, where hast thou fled
And when wilt thou return?
Thy touch for which we keenly yearn
Is clutched in gales of lead

Ah wooly wind, when wilt thou don
Once more thy winsome way
To tease the bleating lambs that play
On verdant meadow yon?

Sweet zephyr, voice of willow-song
Must thou so bashful be?
The night without thy melody
Is deep and dark and long

Dear vesper, crooning daylight’s dirge
Wilt thou be ever still?
Thy duet with the whip-poor-will
Thrills retrospect’s soft surge

Flirtatious breeze, the somber spire
Hungers for spring’s caress
When wilt thy kiss unfurl the tress
Of wood-land’s gladsome choir?

© Janet Martin