Thursday, June 27, 2024


June seemed to beg in my bones
to be turned/tuned to a hymn today...

As you may have noticed over the years...
I never tire of this view!
Each season turns it into its own masterpiece,
But June, oh, sweet, fleet June
must be its Crown Jewel!

(p.s.) the farmers have no idea of the close heed I pay in spring
as to what crops are being planted around me! because it greatly affects my summer-view!
Seems this year I will soon be fenced in by
knee-high corn by the first of July, thanks in huge part to last week's heat wave!!)

And so, we smile where lunch beguiles from garden salad bowls...

Where June unwinds its green-hued isles like rivers/ribbons through our souls...

June always hath too short a lease; Summer’s virginity
As God unfurls a Masterpiece of bird-bloom symphony...

June has too many loveliness-es to name, but we try
Because we know how soon its comeliness yields to July
The moments that compose its song like music notes that brim
Where bowers cannot keep for long each lily-lifted/gifted hymn

And so, we smile where lunch beguiles from garden salad bowls
Where June unwinds its green-hued isles like rivers/ribbons through our souls
And takes each summer heart by storm, thrilling spectator-woes
As wild flowers begin to perform annual roadside shows

June always hath too short a lease; Summer’s virginity
As God unfurls a Masterpiece of bird-bloom symphony
Where earth is fair of face; she dances like a carefree child
While Nature’s Magnum Opus grants a free-for-all run wild

June’s laughter is contagious, kindling laughter in us too
In spite of wars life wages and sorrows that run us through
We find a kindly Comforter as flower-fountains spill
Healing Want’s wounded wonderer/wanderer with thund’ring canticle

Front porches become perfect perches for hiatuses
Vistas of pop-up churches births worship in all of us
Where oh-so-many pleasures leave its seekers humbly awed
By the manifold measures of the handiwork of God

The earth and its fullness thereof belong to Him. Amen
In spite of mortal’s lack of love He blesses us again
And sets to perfect timing, lilt of leaf and butterfly
And vine labyrinths climbing trellises crowned with blue sky

The busy bee bumbles from rose to rose and drinks and drinks 
Heedless of pollen crumbs, he nosedives into reds and pinks
Heady with happiness of honey-sweet, sweet dreams, oh my
He knows that earth and heaven meet, first in June, then July 

June grins with lovely things like hummingbirds that dart and flit
From plume to plume; and we delight to be a part of it
Partakers of a love-song, where joy is never off-tune
But beckons us to sing along because God gave us June

© Janet Martin

June has too many loveliness-es to name, but we try...

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Order of Priorities

2 Thess.3:1-5
...pray for us, that the word of the Lord may spread quickly 
and be held in honor, just as it was with you.
  2And pray that we may be delivered from wicked and evil men;
 for not everyone holds to the faith.
  3But the Lord is faithful, and He will strengthen you 
and guard you from the evil one.a 
4And we have confidence in the Lord that you are doing 
and will continue to do what we command. 
5May the Lord direct your hearts into God’s love and Christ’s perseverance.


Day breaks; responsibility rouses mankind from slumber’s cot...

I began this poem last Saturday, as I juggled demands
where 'cares (and duties) of this world tug and weigh'...
On Monday I stayed with my (ever-growing-frailer) mother-in-law as she listened
to the funeral message as another of her dear friends
was laid to rest; a 93 yr. old mother of 13! 
(side note; my mother-in-law will turn 93, if the Lord wills, on Aug.2)
During the funeral service
one of the ministers shared a story he read about a farmer
who was building a new milk house.
When the building inspector asked to see his permit he confessed that he forgot to get one.
The Inspector asked him if he remembered to order gravel. 'yes' said the farmer.
And cement? again, the farmer answered yes. And did you remember to
line up help for this project, the inspector pressed.
Yes, said the farmer once more.
 Then the inspector said to him,
Now I know, you did not forget to get a building permit.
You just didn't deem it important!
The minister was seeking to impress on the listener
the importance of recognizing what is truly important and preparing for it; 
preparing the Soul to meet God is life's most dire urgency
for no one knows when 'dust-to-dust’s mandate will appease'
all earthly priorities.

What is important to us we remember!
What is important to us takes its place in our order of priorities!
Below, a few beautiful paragraphs from the book
George Muller of Bristol 

The order of priorities is sometimes hard to reconcile
So many tasks of ‘me first, please’, where weeds abound and flowers smile
Where happiness and heartache meet and mingle in the human breast
Where weariness and work compete and put will power to the test
Where souls to tend and bills to pay keep us on our knees and toes
Where cares of this world tug and weigh and what yet waits God only knows

The order of priorities reveals the hierarchy within
Where a most sacred diocese exists beneath our cloak of skin
No matter who or where we are, God sees the hearts of you and me
Where who we worship sets the bar for what will take priority
And, holy is the consequence of what is just as it appears
As precedence yields evidence by what Priority reveres

Day breaks; responsibility rouses mankind from slumber’s cot
Where instantly Priority beckons in the throne-room of Thought
Oh Lord, how great Thou art; oh, guard us from the evil one today
Let Thy word in our minds and hearts equip us to trust and obey
Before this boon of beckoning, dust-to-dust’s mandate will appease
And then will be the reckoning for order of priorities

© Janet Martin

2 Pet.1:3-9
His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness
 through the knowledge of Him who called us by His owna glory and excellence. 
4Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises,
 so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature,
 now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.

5For this very reason, make every effort to add to your faith virtue;
 and to virtue, knowledge;
  6and to knowledge, self-control; 
and to self-control, perseverance; 
and to perseverance, godliness;
  7and to godliness, brotherly kindness; 
and to brotherly kindness, love.
  8For if you possess these qualities and continue to grow in them, 
they will keep you from being ineffective and unproductive
 in your knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
9But whoever lacks these traits is nearsighted to the point of blindness, 
having forgotten that he has been cleansed from his past sins.

Galatians 6:10
As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good unto all men
especially unto them who are of the household of faith.

Yesterday I spent a while tackling
 'where weeds were abounding!

(and flowers smiling!)

Monday, June 24, 2024

To Be the Oldest Sister/Daughter

(Belated) Happy Birthday, Emily 💝🙏🙏
Because it's never really 'belated' to celebrate those we love!

We finally had a chance to celebrate our oldest daughter's birthday, 
on Sat. evening two weeks after the official date! 
This poem was written for her and for 
my oldest sister who turned 60 a week ago!
We who are blessed to have an older sister to follow
 can easily take a lot for granted!! 

We also had an opportunity to try out Jim's/Grandpa's birthday present from his grandchildren;
an oldie game, croquet! lots of laughter from all 
(except the two year old who was soon comforted with a swing ride)

To be the oldest sister bears a charge she does not choose
Of feet anointed with a fine pair of trailblazer-shoes
The familial ground-breaker, whereby younger sisters gauge
Unspoken preparation for wars time and nature wage

The oldest sister shoulders an unalterable yoke
While younger sisters walk on luxury of ground she broke
Keeping a wary watch for firsts that steadfastly commence
Where time insists on countless reluctant relinquishments

Mother's first little helper and daddy's second sweetheart
First to test many waters that life is bound to impart
First scholar, first teenager, first to leave the nest called 'home'
First to face every new season of what is yet to come

To be the oldest sister, is to first weather the tide
That wakens her to winds of change, with gaze, less starry-eyed 
Than once-upon-more-youthful-years, soon strewn upon a wake 
That each sister behind her, Lord-willing, is bound to take 

God bless you, Oldest Sister/daughter, may His hope keep joy unfazed 
And grant you faith and courage where new trails wait to be blazed
Ere younger sisters follow where once first your footsteps fell 
God bless and keep you as you step into a new year's swell

© Janet Martin


Friday, June 21, 2024

Sweet Summer (part 1)

 Welcome, sweet summer!

Ps.19: part of verses 4 and 6
In the heavens God has pitched a tent for the sun...
...nothing is deprived of its warmth.

Sweet summer, with so much to love we hardly know where to begin…

Where heady scent of fresh-mown hay hangs heavy on dawn’s dewy hush/brush...

Where countless hues of green imbue the rolling view, leafy and lush...

I love the calm after a storm, thunders through twilight like a train
Leaving behind a dazzling world, adorned with jewelry of rain...

Sweet summer, with so much to love, each day feels like precious fling
As earth and its fulness thereof begins to laugh, and leap and sing
Where heady scent of fresh-mown hay hangs heavy on dawn’s dewy hush/brush
Where countless hues of green imbue the rolling view, leafy and lush

Sweet summer’s thoroughfare is frilled with flowers, wonderful and wild
The garden bears the eager, carefree, banter of a bare foot child
Tree canopies cast cooling pools of shadow play across the yard
Against the wall behind the house, handsome hollyhocks stand on guard

I love the calm after a storm, thunders through twilight like a train
Leaving behind a dazzling world, adorned with jewelry of rain
I love the caroling of songbirds welcoming the day, still dark
I love the sounds of children playing in the splash pad at the park

In sweet summer we slow our pace lest we miss beauty to behold
Where duty’s never-ending chase runs through joys that never grow old
Beneath the arbor lavished with fragrant, purple wisteria-sigh
Through puddles on the laneway, strewn like mirror-fragments, full of sky

Sweet summer, with so much to touch and taste and smell and see and do
Ah, ‘what is man?’ we cry to He who runs awe’s happy wonder through
With strawberry and cherry bliss pleasing palates of everyone
With wheat fields billowing like oceans turning gold beneath the sun

Sweet summertime, when life is like a gift we open every morn
Its misty wrapping melts like butter over gleaming fields of corn
And we are glad with simple things like picnic basket’s smorgasbord
A pleasure fit for queens and kings, that everybody can afford

Sweet summer, tugging us between task and basking in pools of shade
Content with a good book and glass of iced coffee or lemonade
Where days flit by like butterflies, where school doors close and scholars grin
Sweet summer, with so much to love we hardly know where to begin…

© Janet Martin

Sweet summertime, when life is like a gift we open every morn

Its misty wrapping melts like butter over gleaming fields of corn...

Beneath the arbor lavished with fragrant, purple wisteria-sigh...

With wheat fields billowing like oceans turning gold beneath the sun...

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Sacred Summons

I was going to write a first day of summer celebration poem
but instead today's (first) poem, turned into a sacred summons poem, 
After this morning's scripture reading. 1 Cor. 4.

1 Cor.4: 4-7
My conscience is clear, but that does not make me innocent.
 It is the Lord who judges me. 
 Therefore judge nothing before the appointed time; 
wait until the Lord comes. 
He will bring to light what is hidden in darkness 
and will expose the motives of the heart.
 At that time each will receive their praise from God.
 Now, brothers and sisters, I have applied these things to myself 
and Apollos for your benefit, 
so that you may learn from us the meaning of the saying,
 “Do not go beyond what is written.” 
Then you will not be puffed up in being a follower 
of one of us over against the other. 
 For who makes you different from anyone else? 
What do you have that you did not receive? 
And if you did receive it, 
why do you boast as though you did not?

Sermon to Self (and others); 
what a glimpse
 of heaven
earth would be
If  I, (we all) gave
all I, (we) could,
mindful always
 of He, The Giver
Who gave His Best/All
for you and me

John 3:16
For God so loved the world 
that He gave His only begotten Son, 
that whoever believes in Him 
should not perish but have everlasting life.

Last night these ominous clouds...

...turned into a much needed shower! 🙏

With what we have
With what we seek
With heart and soul and mind
May He who gave/gives
Make us more meek
More humble, faithful, kind

With what we know
And what we learn
With deeper gratitude
May goodness flow
With tender turn
From God's mercy renewed 

With how we live
And how we love
May worship's fountain brim
With praise we give
To God above
For all that comes from Him 

With all we have
With every breath
May we  proclaim the One
Who robbed the grave
Who conquered death
Through Jesus Christ, his Son

Worthy is He
Mighty to save
May hallelujahs brim
For all we have,
We have received from Him 

Holy, holy
Life's charge of grace
May we never forget
The love of He
Who took our place
To pay the sinner's debt

Forbid that we
Once wand'ring sheep
Ignore how we should live
Then, miserly
Connive to keep
What God gives us to give 

© Janet Martin

Jude 1:25
To the only wise God our Saviour, 
be glory and majesty, 
dominion and power, 
both now and ever. 

The first shower was not enough
to justify 'excuses',
so soon my little neighbor 'helper' and I resumed
our egg hunt!
Potato bug egg hunt, that is 😠
(not quite as delightful as the Easter-kind 😂)

on that note, I'm off to the garden this morning, to resume the task!