Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Love Song to the Creator

Psalm 68:19
Blessed be the Lord,
Who daily loads us with benefits,
The God of our salvation! Selah

I love the Author of the rose
Of budded fount that overflows
With finest petal filigree
Of delicate, detailed design
Where masterpieces, great and small
Spill in copious free-for-all
Like volumes full of poetry
Where God penned every perfect line

The sweet and juicy happiness
Of strawberry delicious-yes...

I love the beauty of the earth
And sky; how beholding gives birth
To gladness for the thoughts and ways
Of He, no mind can comprehend...

I love the glory God reveals
Where creation’s cupola peals
In reply to finch, lark and wren
(or robin)

In rolling vistas that amaze...

In gardens as they showcase He
Who instills seed with majesty...

I love the joy that God bestows
Through art only He can compose
The thundercloud, tree silhouette
The innocence of pup and child
The sweet and juicy happiness
Of strawberry delicious-yes
The grandeur of sunrise and set
To run wonder’s awed worship wild

I love the glory God reveals
Where creation’s cupola peals
In reply to finch, lark and wren
In rolling vistas that amaze
In gardens as they showcase He
Who instills seed with majesty
And beckons poets, once again
To spill a humble hymn of praise

I love the Author of the rose
Of budded fount that overflows
With finest petal filigree
Of delicate, detailed design
Where masterpieces, great and small
Spill in copious free-for-all
Like volumes full of poetry
Where God penned every perfect line

I love the beauty of the earth
And sky; how beholding gives birth
To gladness for the thoughts and ways
Of He, no mind can comprehend
Of Providence that never wanes
Of love unfathomed, that sustains
Goodness and mercy all our days
Hope’s anchor, faithful to the end

© Janet Martin

I love the beauty of the earth

And sky; 

...how beholding gives birth
To gladness for the thoughts and ways
Of He, no mind can comprehend...

1 Cor.1:26-31
Brothers and sisters, think of what you were when you were called.
 Not many of you were wise by human standards;
 not many were influential;
not many were of noble birth. 
27 But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; 
God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. 
28 God chose the lowly things of this world and the despised things—
and the things that are not—
to nullify the things that are, 
29 so that no one may boast before him. 
30 It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, 
who has become for us wisdom from God—
that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption. 
31 Therefore, as it is written: 
“Let the one who boasts boast in the Lord.”[d]

Monday, June 17, 2024

Before The Tree and the Fruit... (or, It May Seem Small in the Planting)

One choice may seem so small, for good or bad,
but small things amassed become something much bigger;
grains of sand make a shore,
drops of water an ocean,
moments, a lifetime.
Choice, repeated becomes a habit!
Our 'habits' become our lives...

Day by day,
verse by verse, 
chapter by chapter 
we read through the Bible
and are spoken to and taught by God, 
or not!
Prayer by prayer 
we learn to worship Him 
and trust Him a little more, 
or not...

What are we going to do Today, 
with our pocket full of moment-seeds
dropping from the Hand of goodness and mercy
to the soil of the soul?
(Where, even in reaping, we are planting!)

I'm about to head out to plant some marigold among the tomatoes,
in hopes of deterring tomato worms!

1 Cor. 1:4-9
I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God
 which was given to you by Christ Jesus, 
5 that you were enriched in everything by Him 
in all [a]utterance and all knowledge, 
6 even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed [b]in you, 
7 so that you come short in no gift, 
eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, 
8 who will also confirm you to the end, 
that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 
9 God is faithful, by whom you were called 
into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Isn't verse 9 an awesome verse to begin a new week on?

It may seem minute, the measure of a moment, thought or seed
But the value of life’s treasure is measured by word and deed
Where Choice bears a holy onus in each little ‘yes’ or ‘no’
Where no one can trick the promise that we will reap what we sow

It may seem inconsequential; as, partakers of God’s grace
We, oft thoughtlessly unthankful, give the Giver second place
Not with preconceived intention but, as bridles are cut loose
Without forceful intervention interfering with excuse

It may seem so small, where choices gape with opportunity
Be careful, for Reply voices far more than first glance may see
And no matter how we defend lack of honor with excuse
The fruit of seed cannot pretend; what we plant, seed will produce

It may seem so very common; left foot, right foot, slumber, wake
Sometimes we forget that Someone grants each gifted breath we take
Sometimes, then we are not prayerful, humble and obedient
Sometimes then, we are not careful with the seeds God’s goodness lent

It may not seem very dire, crucial or imperative
What or who attunes desire, what we choose to keep or give
Who we worship in the granting of love and longing’s pursuit
It may seem small in the planting, before the tree and the fruit

© Janet Martin

Sunday, June 16, 2024

A Blessing for Dads

Happy Father's Day...
I am grateful for the many sacrifices Jim makes
for the benefit of us, his family!
Thank-you 💖

Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath; instead, 
bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

I am so thankful to God for my dad who loved the Lord
and instilled the spark of God's love in us when we were but a little child,
and nurtured it, sometimes by great frustration of the child
into something we can look back on, in maturity
and marvel at his wisdom!! 

A photo from a month ago of my grandson and his daddy...
my love and prayers are with young dads esp. who are seeking to
raise children to grow into godly men and women, in an ungodly world.
What a tremendous, sacred calling, dear young fathers, you have!
I pray God's Word is a lamp to your feet
and a light to your path!
Without it we stray and become wise in our own eyes 🙏

God bless the dad who is undeterred
In training a child through the lens/Light of God’s Word

God bless the dad whose ultimate goal
Is nurturing child in both body and soul

…who teaches his children to love and revere
Our Father in Heaven, who loves us so dear

God, bless the dad who hallows Your name
And teaches his children to do the same

And, bless the dad who, when the going gets tough
Still trusts in Your promises to be enough

Who instructs his children with more than mere talk
But, sets by example, the way they should walk

…who faithfully labors and faithfully prays
And shoulders the yoke of his call, by God’s grace

© Janet Martin

I love this excerpt from the book Little Rivers
by Henry Van Dyke

I'm sorry I can't share the whole chapter!

I'm dusting off an oldie this morning, as well;
a poem my son and some of his friends read for a Father's day church service 
around 16 years ago!

Some dads are really, really cool, and some are really smart,
Some dads barely went to school but still have big soft hearts,
Some dads stand up straight and tall and look all sober-like
As if they’ve never thrown a ball or raced on their old bike,
Some dads like to tease and wink and some dads laugh a lot,
I guess, I suppose, it depends, I think, on how many bills they’ve got,
‘Cause dad says, as long as the bills keep a-comin’,
He’ll have to get up an’ keep on a-workin’,
And God bless the dad that keeps on a-hummin’
Even when the bills keep a-comin’

Some dads make lots of money and some, I’ve heard, are broke,
Some say things like sweetheart and honey and some dads never joke,
Some dads work from dawn ‘til dark with little time to play,
Some take their children to the park and some just go away,
Some dads work so very hard so mother can stay home,
Some dads are so very tired, when at last they come,
But, God bless the dad, who at the end of his day
Still gets down on his knees to pray,
And God bless the faithful dad who
Teaches his little ones to pray too

Some dads are really big and tough, while some are short and thin,
Some dads are kinda’ rough and some are gentlemen,
Some dad’s hair is curly and some dad’s hair is gray,
Some don’t really worry ‘cause their hair has gone away,
Some dads drive pick-ups shiny and new, some say any wheels will do,
'As long as it takes me to work and such, and the insurance on it isn’t too much,'
Some dads whistle and some dads sing,
At home some dads feel as rich as a king,
But for one thing I sure am glad,
God knew how much we’d need some dads

Some dads read God’s word every night, some never read at all,
Some dads teach us wrong from right to guide us lest we fall,
And some dads are a little like God, I suppose,
‘Cause through trial and error this dad knows
Though hearts be broken and sometimes need mending,
A father’s love is never-ending,
And God bless the dad whose love never fails,
When the going gets bad, love still prevails,
Thus, for one thing I sure am glad, 
God knew how much we’d need some dads,

Some dads’ sure leave big shoes to fill 
but the One who guides them will be there still,
Someday, when someone says they’re glad 
God knew how much we’d need some dads

Janet Martin

Saturday, June 15, 2024

To Be a Living Sacrifice

 To be a living sacrifice requires an awareness 
of a heart-shaped altar and
the holy ground called Today

Today's Holy Ground is the
Happy Halfway through June point!

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters,
in view of God’s mercy,
to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,
holy and pleasing to God—
this is your true and proper worship.

Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord 
and in the power of His might.
  11Put on the whole armor of God, 
that you may be able to stand against
the [b]wiles of the devil.

This world is charged with altars; Why, beneath our very feet
Oft good intention falters where worship’s rivals compete

To be a living sacrifice where ‘golden calves’ contend
Is an enterprise of great price and recompense, dear friend

Sometimes sight serves to blind us rather than to help us see
How all that falls behind us bears accountability

To love the Lord with all our heart and soul and strength and mind
To live to do our humble part to be patient and kind

…is impossible to pretend; on altars, ethereal
With word and deed, dear friend we prove who we love most of all

God's guidance is a given for all who His grace sets free
But whether we will listen is no given guarantee 

This world, charged with virtue and vice vying for time and love
Confirms, through what we sacrifice, what nothing else can prove

Lord, pray my love amounts to more than noise of clanging bell 
Where today's altar beckons, Lord, my offering will tell 
© Janet Martin

Friday, June 14, 2024

Lovely June...

A medley of June mementos inspiring this poem...

It’s lovely to teach little girls new words, like hollyhock...

And find the kind of tasks that budding gardeners enjoy...

The earth unfolds green blankets on each hill, beneath each tree
Perfect for picnic baskets and a book or three to read...

And buttercups meander through meadowlands where sheep graze

And poet’s breath is stolen by dusting of daisy-snow...

It’s lovely to remember when June rolls across the lea
The things that we forget until they spill from bud and seed
The earth unfolds green blankets on each hill, beneath each tree
Perfect for picnic baskets and a book or three to read

It’s lovely to teach little girls new words, like hollyhock
And find the kind of tasks that budding gardeners enjoy
While leaf-breeze concertos, entertain us with nature’s Bach
And June caters to ageless eagerness of girl and boy

Peony petals uncurl rosy-ruffled elegance
Their short sweet bliss is worth the wait from June to lovely June
Regal lupines and dainty columbine glean compliments
Dusk’s blushing heavens are embellished with pale, crescent moon

And hearts are full of laughter in spite of trouble and such
The arbor is a haven mantled in wisteria plumes
Life dons an air of freedom as schedules relax their clutch
As restless, freckled fugitives are released from classrooms

And dewy dawn is heady with the scent of fresh mown hay
And the rooster is lusty at daybreak at five a.m.
And we arise because June always’ hath too short a day’
Though twilight lingers until at least a quarter to ten

…and orioles are June bug and grape jelly gluttons, oh
And buttercups meander through meadowlands where sheep graze
And poet’s breath is stolen by dusting of daisy-snow
And everywhere we look a Masterpiece captures our gaze

As we, with reverence applaud God’s Magnum Opus, though
We tend to be forgetful while being completely awed
For Want is easy to assuage while June puts on a show
And mesmerizes visage with the gentle hand of God

It’s lovely to remember when June rolls around again
How life’s medley of seasons spins and swirls to memories
And June, tucked in the middle of each year is like a gem
Of blue skies, golden sunshine, green earth and pink peonies

© Janet Martin

And June, tucked in the middle of each year is like a gem
Of blue skies, golden sunshine, green earth and pink peonies...

And everywhere we look a Masterpiece captures our gaze

The Present Is a Very Fleeting Lease...

The wheels of this poem have been turning for a bit;
the first stanza from a book my sister gave me for my birthday
gave it the 'push' it needed...

...and everything that does not come from faith is sin.

But hark! On dawn’s horizon mercies toll...

The present is a very fleeting lease
Yet, ever in the present we exist
Future fuels present, then past’s increase
Time’s holy toll is futile to resist
It is easy to slip into sin’s snare
If we dash, unequipped, into its lair

God, what folly godless desires are
Worldly Want squanders Opportunity
While leaping restlessly from star to star
Goaded by nothing but sheer vanity
That deadens senses to a Mute Parade
Drawing the soul to where the Whole is weighed

There is a grief no gladness can console
To reap a sorry harvest of regret
But hark! On dawn’s horizon mercies toll
Oh, pray that sorry sorrow will beget
Repentance; it is not too late to fall
Upon our knees and for redemption call

There are two roads, and only two, oh God
One leads to You, the other leads away
One hones a howling thirst for fleeting laud
The other flaunts no guile to lure or sway
No pleasure to appeal to Sight’s demand
Yet pleasures evermore at Your right hand

Once We were young, who now are growing old
The Subtle Present rushes through our skin
Ere soon the corp’ral coffin will enfold
The carriage Deathless Soul is dwelling in
Oh God, forbid we fall prey to a lie
While the deceiver winks a cunning eye

To ‘dare to be a Daniel’ in an age
That scorns the Sov’reignty of One True God
To fight on a Babylonian stage
Unthwarted by superficial façade
Is not for faint-hearted Intention’s crack
With one hand on the plow while looking back

I shudder at my sad, salt-pillared past
God redeemed; Wisdom cries in mammon-ed streets
Where Sodom and Gomorrah’s shadows cast
Proof of patterns idolatry repeats
How great the darkness devoid of God’s Word
Disobedience prospers, undeterred

Ah, pray that Present Generations heed
The signs prophets foretold about That Day
When Judgment and Redemption intercede
Salvation’s Final Triumph on display
Without your Word to be our Lamp and Light
Oh God, how futile is each war we fight

Oh God, come quickly, oh God, wait, I pray
Where noise-embellished darkness roils and groans
While your grace all-sufficient, waits to save;
Argument and excuse never atones
God, rend the veil that blinds perception's ken
The present is a fleeting lease. Amen

© Janet Martin

2 Tim.3:1-5&14-17 BSB
But understand this: In the last days terrible times will come.
 2For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money,
 boastful, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy,
 3unloving, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control,
 brutal, without love of good, 
4traitorous, reckless, conceited, 
lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God,
 5having a form of godliness but denying its power. 
Turn away from such as these!

But as for you, continue in the things you have learned and firmly believed, 
since you know from whom you have learned them. 
15From infancy you have known the Holy Scriptures, 
which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith in Christ Jesus.
 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for instruction, 
for conviction, for correction, and for training in righteousness, 
17so that the man of God may be complete, 
fully equipped for every good work.

Thursday, June 13, 2024

The Good Lord Knows What Yet Remains...

Dear Lord, give us ears to hear You today
And hearts that desire to trust and obey
And hands that are busy and feet that are shod
With the readiness of Your gospel, oh God 

Galatians 5:16
So I say, walk by the Spirit, 
and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.

Happy June morning to you 💗

The Good Lord knows what yet remains
Of unplumbed more or less
Beyond man’s gaze His grace sustains
His timeless promises

Then, fitted with His perfect law
(summed up in one word; love)
Today’s invitation to awe
Is like a treasure trove

That overflows with thoughts and ways
Beyond our wildest ken
Creation’s vault thunders with praise
Wonder replies, ‘amen’

Then what have we to fear? But this;
Of dire consequence
To look God in the eye and miss
His glorious evidence

The Good Lord knows what yet remains
With truth and righteousness
His perfect providence sustains
His timeless promises

© Janet Martin

Colossians 3:12
Therefore, as the elect of God, holy and beloved,
 clothe yourselves with hearts of compassion, 
kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience.

'Creation’s vault thunders with praise
Wonder replies, ‘amen’ '

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

A Page from the Lesson Book( in the School of Life)

First of all, I am going refer to the previous post, 
because you might be wondering if I got carried away
 by a couple of renegade bats and a mouse,
 due to a longer than normal quietness here, but no! 
those bats were caught on Thursday night after much more shrieking drama 
and a husband who came back from a road trip just in time to be the valiant hero of the hour. 
The bats were deposited outdoors before we left early on Friday morning
 for a little holiday to Lancaster Pa. and Niagara Falls. 
We returned home on Monday afternoon
 to find the mouse trap also lived up to its charge,
so here's hoping to a critter-trespassing-free week!!

On Friday I turned 58! I can hardly believe it and I am thankful
for God's grace, goodness and mercies in every year of my
continuing education in the School of Life💖
So often it seems what I once thought I learned I need to relearn
So this poem is about what I am learning rather than what I have learned...
(I'm sorry this poem was a bit like a runaway team of horses;
I had to chase after it and rein it in)
In my defense, this is almost five day's worth of pent-up poem release 😅
after admiring many horses 💖💖

A few shots from the weekend...

I'm learning, it is futile/foolish to lament the haste of Time
That every day we should embrace as 'living in our prime'
I'm learning, regret and repentance are not the same thing
To live to love is manifold and all encompassing
How the lens that we look through affects thought, then word and deed
As moments toll/roll toward a goal for deathless soul decreed   
That every day is holy ground, with so much to amaze
That happiness is found as we extinguish Want with praise
That hope without an Anchor is not really hope at all
That no matter how we progress, pride still fathers The Fall 

I'm learning love must be learned, and learned best when very young
That much is built or torn down by the timbre of the tongue 
That grief can carve a chasm only faith in God can cheer
That to exchange His Word for mine earns Consequence severe
That the enthralling thrill of the Splash swiftly disappears
But the ripple effect of it can outlast years and years
That our words are sweeter if we taste before we bite 
That licking frosting from beaters is an ageless delight 
That we cannot do everything to help our fellowman
But we can all so something, and we should, the best we can

That no one is too rich or poor to desire 'a good turn'
That we never outlive the class of 'still so much to learn'
That we will surely spoil the child if we withhold love's 'rod'
That flowers are a universal love language from God
That kindness and compassion prove the love that never fails
That laughter is good medicine for anything that ails 
That though Mother Nature and Father Time will have their say 
We are not at their mercy, but God's mercy, new each day
And though, as time goes by, we mourn the good of Good Old Days 
God's everlasting and unchanging goodness naught can faze
I'm learning truth speaks for itself; a Voice none dethrone 
That the noise of rebellion cannot shift The Cornerstone  
That with each generation, nothing will stay quite the same
Save this, Jesus; salvation exists through no other Name
(though some have become bold enough to boast another way
Behooving all who still believe in Him to pray and pray)
I'm learning that in spite of so much to be sad about
God overflows creation with much to be glad about 
And kindness is still like a little miracle of joy
And one of life's best gifts is still a little girl or boy

And life is like a cookie; we should savor every crumb
And Choice is like a Door always hinged to what will become
And though a good book can be good company for a while
A good book never can replace a warm handshake or smile
That Older Age reserves surprises we would never trade
For prettier disguises that will pitilessly fade 
I'm learning how to touch and taste brief sparkles from Time's Fount
While all the while revering that for which I'll give account 
And how a number cannot keep us from kicking up heels
That the fountain of youth is not in how one looks, but feels 💖 

I'm learning how the common task is not common at all
That duty is a beautiful, breathtaking bestowal 
That it is a rich blessing to be busy with demands
Lest we give place to the devil with idle mind or hands 
That we get out of life what we put in, no more, no less
That the antidote to discouragement is thankfulness
That it is no cliché; God grants much to be thankful for
"God, forgive me for the fathom of mercies I ignore' 
I'm learning that to number days with wisdom's gain and love
However old or young we are will always be enough 

I'm learning how kind and cruel unblinded love can be
How the sting I despise often refines humility 
And how these lessons equip love with a gentler reply
When in a situation when we don't see eye to eye
I'm learning in the tug of hugs as heartstrings strain and ache
No distance is quite far enough to cause heartstrings to break
I'm learning not to fret the 'druthers' while pushing the plow
That, though all dreams do not come true, the birds still sing, and how 
I'm learning, bit by bit, and prayer by prayer's imperfect plea 
 How holy is each lifetime's blip before Eternity 

...how season over season tunes ruthless relinquishments 
How reason cannot reason away harvest-recompense
How we grow too soon old and too late smart; ah, sacred sigh
That unfolds the umbrella of daybreak's marmalade sky
 I'm learning that a slice of buttered bread is luxury
And what and who we love the most is very plain to see 
And that a garden nook is pleasure at its simple best 
And that a winding brook can satisfy the Poet's quest
And that it is no use to try to slow the haste of time
But rather snare wisps of thin air to tame into a rhyme 
© Janet Martin

1 Tim.6:6-16

Godliness with Contentment

6Of course, godliness with contentment is great gain.
7For we brought nothing into the world, sob we cannot carry anything out of it.
8But if we have food and clothing, we will be content with these.
9Those who want to be rich, however, fall into temptation 
and become ensnared by many foolish and harmful desires
 that plunge them into ruin and destruction.
  10For the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil. 
By craving it, some have wandered away from the faith 
and pierced themselves with many sorrows.

Fight the Good Fight

11But you, O man of God, flee from these things 
and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, perseverance, and gentleness.
  12Fight the good fight of the faith. 
Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called 
when you made the good confession before many witnesses.

13I charge you in the presence of God, who gives life to all things, 
and of Christ Jesus, who made the good confession
 in His testimony before Pontius Pilate:
  14Keep this commandment without stain or reproach 
until the appearance of our Lord Jesus Christ,
  15which the blessed and only Sovereign One—
the King of kings and Lord of lords—
will bring about in His own time. 
16He alone is immortal and dwells in unapproachable light. 
No one has ever seen Him, nor can anyone see Him. 
To Him be honor and eternal dominion!