Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Willing Winter Away...

Come on winter, we're weary of your fresh over-flowing bowl of Snowflakes for breakfast! 
Can we have golden, honeyed sunny-ohs, pl-e-e-e-ease?

The hierarchy of winter wanes
But will not seal its boreal gate
It dallies on the hungry lanes
Where barren courts of April wait

…for buds to break wide, starry-eyed
And toll the gong of spring-song tide
For hills to don youth’s vernal hue
For hearts to hope with awe anew
For brooks to babble, ripple, run
Freed from ice-grip by kiss of sun
Where by its silver lilt we sit
To watch worlds waken, wonder-lit
And grace the skin of earth with bloom
Birth wells from Nature’s umbral tomb
It swells the limb with green and gold
Where winter-long it wore white cold
Now each tree, like a troubadour
Laughs, full of poetry once more

As hierarchy of Shiver fell
Prey to the brogue of flower-bell
And yellow-zephyr pirouette
...but winter is not willing yet 

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Disdaining Solid Ground

It seemed so harmless then
The softening of moral ground
Preserved with careful prayer for years
…strange, how with adding a little sand
The secure footing disappears

It seemed so harmless when
Progress replaced Tradition’s ken
Were more than ideas by men
Now ways once revered are gone

It seemed so harmless when
We misconstrued vast history
And vexed the laws of love
And liberty, and simply being sorry
Is far from being enough

© Janet Martin

To the Trailblazers...That Were and Are

Here is where we live
Where brave hearts fought to free the land
Where we lie and count stars and night
Or dare to dream dreams big and grand

Here is where we live
Their hardship, happiness and need
Cultivated Inheritance
They cleared the fields where we plant seed

Here is where we live
Homes dot the counterpane of years
In towns and countryside, commerce
Conceived by their blood-sweat-prayers-tears

Here is where we live
And place our foot and fingerprints
To circumstance with our response
That soon becomes Inheritance

© Janet Martin

Who, What, Why

The ‘what’ we do is serious, yes
It commands our best try
But even more important than
The ‘what’ is this; the ‘why’

The ‘why’ with which we do the ‘what’
Is at the very core
Of ‘who’ we prove we love and serve
Through ‘why’ we do ‘what’ for

© Janet Martin

Romans 12:1 (KJV) I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

Romans 12:10-11(KJV) Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor. Do not be slothful in zeal, be fervent in spirit, serve the Lord.

Of Love's Humble Joys

I pour ‘more ketchup please’
And pick up toys and toys

And wonder at the common cloth
Of love’s humble joys

I wipe noses and messes
To the music of noise

And ponder the simplicity
Of love’s humble joys

I sing a song and read a book
To little girls and boys

And marvel at the preciousness
Of love’s humble joys

Lord, fit me for the Calling
That each task employs

Fill my days with grateful praise
For love’s humble joys

© Janet Martin