Monday, April 4, 2016

Going the Distance With Old Man Winter

PAD Challenge day 4:  For today’s prompt, write a distance poem.

 Yesterday dawned somewhat snowy...
but after emptying its storehouses all day long, today dawns without a blade of grass in sight...

Those pictures that we clung to through long winter’s whitewashed hours
Of April waking daffodils and singing in spring show’rs
Must pause because it seems Old Winter is not willing yet
To fall prey to the way of warmer-whispered pirouette

The wearing will of winter wails and flails where dreams persist
In spite of white anointing where hills should be soft-green kissed
And though we thought bloom-bells ought to be ringing, roaring gale
Gilds April’s world as winds unfurl a snowflake bridal-veil

Be of good cheer, the end is near; winter for all its bluff
And bluster cannot muster for much longer, frosty fluff
So thus he howls, his jowls drip with the gripping undertow
Of visions shaped in flower-gardens draped with April snow

© Janet Martin

...yes, we know spring is on its way...why? Baseball has begun!

Toronto Blue Jays
1-0, 1st in AL Eastern Division
American League
Final - yesterday, 4:05 PM
Tropicana Field, St. Petersburg, Florida
Blue Jays
Tampa Bay


Sorry, my fellow-Floridian get the sunshine and we got the win:)(AND the blizzard;(

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Three-year-old Teachers

PAD Challenge Day 3: For today’s prompt, take the phrase “Three (blank),” replace the blank with a word or phrase, make the new phrase the title of your poem, and then, write your poem.

 I babysit two three-year-olds.
They always make my day!

You always make our day
Your innocence, care free
You teach us how to live in Now
Though you are only three

You teach us how to love
Without a second thought
And when you sing the world is spring
Our discontent forgot

You teach us how to laugh
No malice clouds your view
You do not will revenge or ill
Your skies are always blue

Dear three-year-old, you teach
Us to believe, not doubt
With grin and kiss we learn the bliss
Of what life is about

Janet Martin

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Venus and Mars

PAD Challenge Day 2: He said-She said poem
 (SO glad its not a week ago!)

She said in the broadest hint she could compose
That a red maple tree bench would be nice
Maybe for Mother’s Day or Fiftieth you-know-what…

He said, ‘Wow! what a lousy goal?!
Man, I sure do miss Carey Price
…but I should get out there and start sawing up firewood

© Janet Martin

(No firewood today...hubby had to work)

When God said 'Let There Be'

Sometimes one poem inspires another...
when I posted the previous photo it begged for its own poem:)

God said, 'let there be'
And from these words were born
The quiet blue of dusk-adieu
The golden-haloed morn
The rush of sea that sweeps
To stays of sandy shore
The food for need tucked in a Seed
Time’s temporary More
The mischief-freckled lad
His curiosity
The lavish loom of petal-bloom
The bluff, the bird, the bee
The afternoon that drips
Into the serenade
Of vesper hymn strummed by a limb
Flushed with spring’s promenade
The miracle of birth
The earth’s fullness thereof
Four season’s worth of hope and hurt
The breadth of live-laugh-love
He said, 'let there be'
And flung to emptiness
The holy grace of human race
Their grief and happiness
He shaped from dust, man’s form
And breathed to dust, a soul
With ‘let there be’ eternity
Became man’s sacred goal

© Janet Martin

The Aftermath of 'Let there Be'

PAD Challenge day 2: write a he said-she said poem

He said, ‘Let there be’
And with these words gave birth
To mysteries and galaxies
Of the heavens and earth

She said, ‘Adam, eat’
He did and so did she
And thus began the curse of man
Where Eden used to be

He said, ‘let there be’
Knowing its utter cost
Of agony to set man free
By death upon a cross

© Janet Martin