Friday, March 22, 2024

Heaven, Upside Down or Such Is Love

Such is life, we often say, as plans change 
and carefully arranged schedules run awry!

Sometimes love pours a cup of tea, ‘with milk and honey, dear?’...

As I finished this poem I returned and traded the word 'life' for 'love';
 it was originally going to be a 'such is life' poem because
 this was a week rife with changed plans...but
as the poem evolved so did the realization the 'such is life'
 is often more aptly expressed  'such is love!'

The ultimate plan of Love, for man's redemption
God fulfilled at Calvary!
Love appeared in that hour, to have lost!

For it was fitting for Him, 
for whom are all things 
and by whom are all things, 
in bringing many sons to glory, 
to make the captain of their salvation 
through sufferings.

Yet it was the LORD’s will to crush Him
and to cause Him to suffer;
and when His soul is made a guilt offering,g
He will see His offspring, 
He will prolong His days,
and the good pleasure of the LORD 
will prosper in His hand.
11After the anguish of His soul,
He will see the light of lifeh 
and be satisfied.
By His knowledge My righteous Servant 
will justify many,
and He will bear their iniquities.

Sometimes what first looks like love’s loss is Heaven, upside down...

Love suffers long and is kind...1 Cor. 13:4

Oh, if only love more often,
 suffered longer 
and was kinder
 how much more lovely,
and much less broken
 this world would be!

Sometimes we find it, sometimes not; such is love’s want-list, hon
Sometimes love is a little tot that keeps us on the run
Sometimes it caters to our plan but often not, it seems
…love’s give and take twixt God and man far outmaneuvers dreams

Sometimes love is a graceful glide, a ballet’s perfect hurt
But oft it is a wild slide to home-base; face down, in dirt
Sometimes love pours a cup of tea, ‘with milk and honey, dear?’
But oft it startles you and me with sudden, bitter tear

Sometimes love's havens that we seek must first weather love's gale
Sometimes love’s kiss upon the cheek is crushed in love’s travail
Sometimes love's payoff that we thought should bear visible fruit/loot
Gets lost; often love’s prize is not a made-to-measure suit

Sometimes, we would forget to pray; I think love's push and shove
Must be God’s higher thought and way to teach us ‘such is love’
Whoever does not bear love’s cross is not fit for love’s crown
Sometimes what first looks like love’s loss is Heaven, upside down

© Janet Martin

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Of (Fleeting) Time and Place

I'm currently working at painting and preparing a vacant bedroom
as a spare bedroom (aka grandchildren's sleepover roomπŸ˜ŠπŸ˜‰πŸ’“)

Two coats of primer later, Matt's old room colour, 
the colour of a basketball, is simply a memory!
painted during the boyhood basketball phase of his life;
 a phase long overtaken by more pressing matters, (like mortgages,πŸ˜…)
Proof of the fleeting POOF!
of stages and ages, interests and passions!

Reminding us to build on the eternal 
rather than the temporal because...
 ...the things which are seen are temporary, 
 the things which are not seen are eternal.
2 Cor.4:18

I finished listening to this book yesterday as I painted...

The book is filled with profound thoughts and experiences 
but the one below, near the end of the book
made me put down my brush and jot it down!
Starkly relevant for the age we are in...
(When, after gaining access to a country through great effort and pains,
 he (Brother Andrew) proceeded to hand out Bibles, but no one seemed interested)
And he was struck with this revelation-
'Persecution was an enemy the church had met and mastered many times.
Indifference could prove to be a far more dangerous foe!'


Pray, we do not slip into indifference, 
but live, deeply aware that we are all 
on a very impending verge... of  eternity


Jude 1:3-4
Beloved, although I made every effort to write to you about the salvation we share,
 I felt it necessary to write and urge you to contend earnestly for the faith
 entrusted once for all to the saints. 
4For certain men have crept in among you unnoticed—
ungodly ones who were designated long ago for condemnation. 
They turn the grace of our God into a license for immorality, 
and they deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus Christ.

The blessings we enjoy
The heartaches we endure
Grievances that annoy
Dreams loosed from the mind’s moor

The ups and downs we face
The fights twixt faith and fear
Are all hallmarks of time and place
And temporary, dear

Love’s holy exercise
Of hold-and-letting-go
Of glad hellos and hard goodbyes
Of retrospect’s slideshow

Of choice, for better-worse
And not all it appears
Of consequence we bless or curse
With laughter or with tears

Pleasure’s brief blitz of bliss
Suffering’s griefs and pains
All pass way; the genesis
To all that yet remains

Of everlasting gain
Or everlasting loss
These moments in the sun and rain
Are but bridges we cross

That lead away from This
Brief encounter with grace
Where soul alone transcends What Is
Of fleeting Time and Place

The fool rejects this truth
The wise take heed and pray
Because death is the living proof
Of this world’s little stay

Then, while we can, prepare
To meet Thy God, before
We step from time’s fleet thoroughfare
Into Forevermore

© Janet Martin

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Why We (Believers) May Go Forth With Joy Each Day

 Because only the blood of Christ can wash us white as snow...

Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord:
 though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; 
though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool.

May we, believers, rejoice every day
as we reflect on God's goodness and mercy,
but all the more as we approach Easter season,
and meditate on what it cost God to purchase
 the gift of salvation, and what it means for all who
believe and receive it!
Hallelujah! Praise the name of Jesus!
 ...and you are to give him the name Jesus, 
because he will save his people from their sins.” Matt.1:21

Because God never forsakes us, because His word is true
We may go forth with joy each day, because, though all else fails
Nothing can sway God's promises; His steadfast word prevails

Because, though all armies amass, our God is greater yet
We may go forth with heart content in what The Lord has done;
For redemption’s requirement, God gave his only Son

Because only the blood of Christ can wash us white as snow
Because God rich in mercy sacrificed himself to show
How much He loves us; thus, we may go forth in victory
Armed with the power of the cross; ‘not I but Christ in me’

Because the love and word of God abide, faithful and true
And everlasting; faith will not fear what mere man can do
Because, not man, but God is bringing us through everything
We may go forth with singing, because He is Lord and King

© Janet Martin

Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Wonderful Season of Spring

 Happy First Day of Spring!☔🌞⛅🌷

You wouldn't know it from looking outside today,
in southern Ontario, but...

...(For) lo, the winter is past,
The rain(or snow?) is over and gone.
The flowers appear on the earth;
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtledove
Is heard in our land.

Song of Solomon 2:11-12

This 'turtledove' is thinking...'shoulda brought my skates!'

This is the season of birth; earth awaking
Of somber landscapes donning garb of green
Of seed-sized hope renewed; of undertaking
Sowing’s rush hour, stoking dusty sheen

Of barren bowers clothed by nature’s seamstress
Of bud-looms bursting with God-woven lace
Of yellow flares of forsythia bushes
Of sunbeams kissing a smile to each face

This is the season so fondly awaited
Welcomed with wide open windows and doors
When Old Man Winter’s ego is deflated
Slowly but surely he softens his roars

Robins return, with lusty chirrup-hellos
Fresh bounce buoys the gait of Farmer Brown
The stream lures fishing-rods with whistling fellows
Daffodils wander through country and town

Blossoms, like blush fireworks flare and fizzle
Gardens grant glimpses of Eden-like winks
Dream and dirt merge with zeal’s refurbished sizzle
Faith is the substance of planting, methinks

This is the season of green-gladdened laughter
Of showers and flowers and mornings that sing
This is the season summer follows after
This is the wonderful season of spring

© Janet Martin

Last week we enjoyed some pre-spring celebrations...

This is the non-stop action outdoors today!

Monday, March 18, 2024

A Love Beyond Compare

One of my Sunday School students presented this artwork to me yesterday;
a picture she drew (with permissionπŸ˜‡) while listening to the lesson!
I love my class of smart, beautiful, eager, full-of-potential school-girls!
Thank-you K.S.

My earnest prayer for all our Sunday School students,
is that the Holy Spirit would begin to waken and nurture,
as we gather weekly, (and as weeks turn into years,)
not just a belief in God but a love for God.
That they would get more than an education in Bible stories and facts,
but that the plan and gift of salvation would begin to unfold
a lifelong awe, reverence and wonder for God's love and grace!
Will you join me in praying too?!
They are little for such a very little time!
I also pray that we, their teachers, parents and grandparents 
live pure and humble testimonies
of genuine love for the Saviour of our souls
and the Lord of our lives!

Matthew 5:16 - Let your light so shine before men,
that they may see your good works, 
and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Let's live love over and above
What Duty delegates
Let's love God, wonderfully awed
By His goodness and grace

Let's live aware of eyes that care-
fully watch every move 
Where actions shout and leave no doubt
About who we most love

Let's live a life of joy, not strife
Let's pay most earnest heed
To what we sow, because we know
Soon fruit follows the seed 

Soon innocence will climb time's fence
And leave childhood behind
Let's live love over and above
With every child in mind 

Before the heart grows hard, let's start
To plant, with tender care
Awareness of God's wondrous love:
A love beyond compare 


Ephesians 5:1-2
 Therefore be imitators of God, as beloved children. 
 And walk in love, as Christ loved us and gave himself up for us,
 a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God.

Monday Medley of Meditations

There's nothing quite like love's heartaches to remind us
of the Living Hope found in the Healer of the human heart
and rouse reflections on how our own lives reflect

Saturday night awed hearts with art
only God can orchestrate/accomplish!

So did Sunday morning!!!
(after a 'sheepish' snowfall overnight.
It was a bit like walking on fleece; soft and soundless)

By the grace God has given me, 
I laid a foundation as an expert builder, 
and someone else is building on it. 
But each one must be careful how he builds.

For by the grace given me I say to every one of you:
 Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, 
but think of yourself with sober judgment, 
according to the measure of faith God has given you.


Oh, self-inflicted agony
Oh, cruel way to live
Clinging to hate's hostility
Unwilling to forgive

Oh, what an awful way to face
A new day, mercy kissed
Greeting the goodness of God's grace
Not with praise, but raised fist

Oh, pray we do not waste each chance
To love each other, for
Today is like a gift God grants
To love Him more and more

How much we love Him, none can hide
Love's language plain to see 
By how freely self is denied
In light of Calvary

© Janet Martin 


We never will get it quite right
Human nature is bound to err
Better to forgive than to fight
Better to be kind than to swear

Or wield a vengeful, verbal knife
Darkening thought with bitter darts
Better to hold the gift of life
In gentle hands and thankful hearts

How futile, the vile mastermind
That plots ways to retaliate
Better to be patient and kind
Better to love, my dear, than hate

© Janet Martin


When All That Remains Is What Was...

We pass this way but once, my love
How long the way will be
Until the soul slips from its glove
No one can know or see

Thus, we do well to live each day
As if it were the last
To cheer each other on life's way
Ere death's shadow is cast 

...and all that remains is What Was
With those we leave behind
Pray, life's echoes are sweet because
They are gentle and kind 

© Janet Martin

Every test God allows in our lives is but an opportunity
to yield to and trust
and to bring Him glory!!

Saturday, March 16, 2024

Oh My God, Since Thou Art With Me

When I am tempted to despair
God bids me lean on Him in prayer
There He tramples the enemy
As He whispers His peace to Me

The world may sometimes seem like a different place
 than in 'the good, old days'
 but it isn't really. Evil has always been evil 
and God has always been faithful and good!

1 John 4:4
Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them:
 because greater is he that is in you,
 than he that is in the world.

The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer; 
My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; 
My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.

Oh my God, since Thou art with me
Thou who givest life its breath
Thou who walked the way to Calv’ry
Thou who bore love’s cross, to/through death
Thou, whom death could never conquer
Thou, whose Name grants hope its goal
Thou, the Victor of grave’s plunder
Thou, the Saviour of the soul
Thou, who satisfies Want’s hunger
Through Thy everlasting word
Thou, who fits us with faith’s armour
Thou, whose will is undeterred
Thou, who orchestrates each season
Thou who numbers all our days
Thou, whose ways transcend our reason
Thou, whose love never betrays
Thou, who never will forsake us
Thou, whose promises secure
Thou, whose favor longs to make us
More like Thee; holy and pure
Oh, my God since Thou art with me
To commune and commandeer
Thou, whose Light transcends death’s valley
What have I to dread or fear?

Oh, my God, since Thou art with me
Thou who suffered for my sin
Thou whose blood out-poured, redeems me
Thou, whose Spirit dwells within
Thou, my Comforter in sorrow
Thou, my fortress, come what may
Thou who bidst me not to borrow
Morrow’s troubles for today
Thou who cheers me in the struggle
Thou, who guards me from despair
Thou, who is my help in trouble
Thou, who hears my earnest prayer
Thou, whose purpose will not falter
Thou whose power will prevail
Thou, who beholds worship’s altar
Thou, whose Ransom will not fail
Thou, who receives my confession
Thou, Forgiver of sin’s shame
Thou, who keeps no record of them
To crush joy with guilt or blame
Thou whose Goodness overwhelms me
Thou whose mercy overrides
Oh my God, since Thou art with me
What have I to need besides?

Oh my God, since Thou art with me
Thou who holds Time in Thy hands
Thou, Cradle of eternity
Thou whose Supreme Say commands 
Thou, whose Provision is perfect
Thou, whose judgments never err
Thou, who is changeless in edict
Whose love is beyond compare 
Thou, who stepped from Heaven's glory
To be sin's Atonement Lamb
Author of Salvation's Story
I AM who I say I AM
King of Kings and Lord of Lords, yet
Thou, Redemption's Once-For-All
Thou, who broke the curse sin beget/begot  
Thou, who saves us from The Fall
Thou, who did not spare His body
But with selfless sympathy
Put on flesh, became nobody
Suffered in all ways, as we
Thou, who rent the veil to ritual 
Thou who saves us by His grace
Oh my God, since Thou art faithful
Who could ever take Thy place? 

© Janet Martin

John 17:3
And this is life eternal, 
that they might know thee the only true God, 
and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.

Psalm 100:5
For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting;
 and his truth endureth to all generations.

Psalm 93:2
Thy throne is established of old: thou art from everlasting.

Friday, March 15, 2024

First Signs of Spring

Blue and gray canopy 

laden with showers

Bashful green filigree 

kindled with flowers...

Landscapes the color of weathered burlap...

Bird-warble wakening earth from its nap...

Robins return with their antics and lays...

Treetops still barren are ringing with praise...

Bleak garden canvases start beckoning
Exciting artists with first signs of spring...

Blue and gray canopy laden with showers
Bashful green filigree kindled with flowers
Lengthening daylight and dusk lingering
These are a few of the first signs of spring

Landscapes the color of weathered burlap
Bird-warble wakening earth from its nap
Stiff breeze and soft zephyr tug-of-warring
Thrilling our thoughts with the first signs of spring

Robins return with their antics and lays
Treetops still barren are ringing with praise
Bleak garden canvases start beckoning
Exciting artists with first signs of spring

Raindrops plip plop in a wild hip-hop dance
Sun-kisses tease eager hearts with romance
Sugar-shacks teem with maple-tree’s sweet fling
Drizzling warm pancakes with first signs of spring

Windows edge upward to let in fresh air
South-facing porches are graced with a chair
Pretty pussy-willow bouquets are purring
From front hall tables with first signs of spring

Refurbished rivulets ripple and glim
God, its great Maestro and joy, its glad hymn
Unfurled, like silver ribbon-song shimmering
Winding through meadows in first signs of spring

© Janet Martin

Pretty pussy-willow bouquets are purring
From front hall tables with first signs of spring...