Monday, March 21, 2016

Sacred Submission

Into the hand that kindles dark with light,
The seed with bloom
And woos the wonderland of spring
From Mother Nature’s womb
And bends the dawn with hope reborn
And sends the sun and rain
And mends the hurts of humankind
To make us glad again

…and tends the galaxies where
Neither Height nor depth exceeds
The hand of loving-kindness
That assuages mortal needs
And wore the nails and bore the Death
And tore The Veil away
Into these hands, these Supreme Hands
We commit this day

© Janet Martin

 The Lord bless you and keep you; 
 The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
And give you peace.”

Numbers 6:24-26

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Look at the Cross (a repost because...)

 Image result for calvary's cross  

...first I was going to call this an Easter Poem but
This is not an 'Easter' poem,
It is an every-day-of-our-lives poem

Look, look at the cross, no, no don’t look away
See love's sacred offering on gruesome display
See the thorns, wicked thorns so humbly worn
By the One who loved all; All the sick and forlorn,
The foolish, the wealthy, all those who would scorn
His dear name; so look at the cross on public display,
Not in some dark corner tucked dimly away
But up on a hill for the whole world to see
Perfect love, awesome love for you and me

Look, look at the cross, at the dear Lord’s face
Bearing the shame of public disgrace,
A face that was spat on, yet knew only love,
The face of a King from a kingdom above,
A face which has power earth and heaven to move
In a whisper; yet on it flow crimson tears
As He weeps, not in pain but in love so sincere
He calls out to His father from upon this tree
The symbol of hope for humanity

Look, look at the cross, at the hands that are bleeding,
Pierced through with nails and yet He is pleading
That man will find mercy in this holy flood,
Forgiveness and hope in a perfect Lamb's blood,
Redemption pouring from the Son of God
His hands stretch out for all to see
That this is He who sets men free
Hands that ministered to man’s most humble need
Have fulfilled their greatest work indeed

So look at the cross, behold the Lamb
The beginning, the end, the Great I AM
Look at his body, pierced and bleeding
Love flowing down for all who are needing
The hope of a Savior, as still He is pleading
Forgive them; and as darkness and thunder descend
His cry is heard through all the land
‘It is finished,” and now there is hope for the lost
If we look at the cross, if we look at the cross...

...and if we look at the cross, at the out-stretched limb,
Behold the blood and the suffering,
If we gaze on His love and the wonder of Him,
Will we think to be saved on that final Day
If we look, turn our backs and walk away?

Janet Martin

Shall I crucify your King? Pilate asked. John 19:15

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Cheers to Years Because Time Always Disappears

All these mornings
Of pouring coffee
Of nose-to-the-grindstone
Adds up to years
And suddenly we are
Startled anew
At how fast
Time disappears

The hand that gathers
And binds it
Into sheaves
Though Kindness bestows
Rose-thorn joy
Still, the heart
Gently grieves

The morning light
That precedes noon
Before night
Darkly breaks
Composes a
Dissonant tune
By what Time gives
…and takes

This what-we-have-
Will soon fold
To Yore's far-off land
Time fills the heart
And soul with more
Than thought can
Quite command

© Janet Martin

Famous Fairest of Them All

You bring us blossoms and flower-strewn lanes
You are the prettiest maiden ere seen
Flinging your garment to woodlots and plains
Worlds that were naked are ravished in green

You don’t forget us, the hours we braved
While bully blusters tormented our skin
Are compensated; the kiss that we craved
Falls from the heavens in sun-mellow grin

You waken gardens and arouse farmers
Revive the thirst for those dust-weary days
You restore romance, my, you’re a charmer
Earth rings with bloom-bells where birds sing your praise

You fill up clotheslines with cotton-laughter 
Housewives are happy where windows fling wide
Be gone, dust-bunnies, hello yellow zephyr
Romping in orchards bedecked like a bride

Rose of redemption and forget-me-nots
You crown the brown hill with buds burgeoning
You spill in rain; soldered terrain applauds
Your fame is ageless and your name is Spring

© Janet Martin

I'm off to fill a long line with cotton-laughter;-))

Thou, Faithful Friend and Father

Faithful friend and Father
Lord Immortally
Thou who parts fear’s waters
Watches over me

Healer of all nations
Giver of all life
Thou who tends creation
Tends our care and strife

Shepherd of each sorrow
Keeper of each tear
Thou who sees tomorrow
Holds us ever near

Perfect, patient Presence
Thou art everywhere
Thou who hears the essence
Of each heart-rent prayer

Faithful Friend and Father
Lord eternally
Thou who knows us, teach us
How to trust in Thee

© Janet Martin

Do you ever struggle with this?
...simply taking God at His Word.

Friday, March 18, 2016

Just In Case

How seamless moments meld; a mute succession that creates
The pictures thought will gaze upon as dawn to dusk abates
Ah, pray we do not take for-granted time's gossamer rain
That falls then fades, in case we never meet like this again

How deft the hand that weaves the strand that spills from God to us
How swift the span that closes in where we grin, fret and fuss
The blue-eyed sky grows sleepy and the gates that flung afar
At dawn are drawn and bolted with a brooch of evening star

The sky is painted yellow where dusk’s cello-anthems waft
Then softly disappear into a diamond-studded loft
How hardly we have held those sequences that tock and tick
Now welded to the cast of past; a muted mosaic

We cannot still the tempest that runs through the skin of days
And sets afire the hour that sets hearts and souls ablaze
Nor can we tell how near or far we are to farewell’s pain
So, we should dance in case we never get the chance again

© Janet Martin