Monday, March 28, 2016

...and Pray

 Thomas said to him, "My Lord and my God!"
John 20:28

we  be
A vic
-tim of 
or doubt,
or pride
We should look long...  With eyes closed on
The life we have...  Through He who died
And oft 
way, we

© Janet Martin

Ancient Revelation...

 Some days we struggle to accept the New View...
What has been is what will be,
    and what has been done is what will be done,
    and there is nothing new under the sun.
Eccles. 1:9

It is nothing new
This rise and shine
And toil and weep
And grin and share it
With the rest
Before we lay us
Down to sleep
And it is nothing new, the test
That tries the Thing
We thought we knew
Then realize
With humble sighs
And eyes, the wiser
For the view
And changed because
The hand of time
Is never still
Where nothing new
Stuns me and you
With arguments
Of want and will
Because we are
Prone to the laws
Of human nature’s
Ancient ways
Where nothing new returns
Save gauze that
Holds the gift
Of a new day

© Janet Martin

another beautiful version of this song here

The Beauty of Begin Again

God takes brokenness 
and beneath His touch 
turns it into beauty... 

As the ice began to melt on Saturday, earth was over-taken by surreal beauty;
a glass world on a bronze backdrop...

We would be weary soon into love’s journey
Soon overtaken by trouble and pain
But for the mercy that comes with each morning
But for the beauty of Begin Again

We would be victims of longing’s long sorrow
Caught in a quagmire of briar and rain
But for the Hand that transforms each tomorrow
Into the beauty of Begin Again

We would be blinded by rubble and ruin
Bereft of joy where we stumble and strain
But for the wonder that wakens within us
As we bear witness to Begin Again

Love takes the pieces of plight we have shattered
Shapes from its brokenness, no seal of shame
But from the night as its starlight is scattered
Love lends the beauty of Begin Again

© Janet Martin

For the Members of Time's Choir...

Morning rain-drops 
tap-dance a tittle-tune 
on  wide-eyed windows ...
These tiny dancers 
have left their glass-galoshes at home, 
unlike a few days before!!

Mercy of new morning graces
Time’s waysides of toil and test
We, from our perspective places
Turn our faces to the west

Break thy bit of bread from Heaven
From these crumbs of give and take
Comes a testament of living
Ere we lie where none will wake

From the doorway of man’s longing
Hope, like a scepter of fire
Lights the sheet-music of morning
For the members of time’s choir

Warriors of faith and duty
We take up love’s tools of trade
Walk the way of wraithlike beauty
In this day the Lord has made

Life and death, ah, half-breath barrier
Poised upon time's skiff of sod
Where this dust sails to the hour
That unveils the face of God

© Janet Martin

'look at all these buds', cried Victoria, 'that will never bloom!'
...and a little later she remarked thoughtfully, 'there are a lot of metaphors for life here...'

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Reason to Sing

 Yesterday as the choir assembled for the last practice before today's performance the fellow who opened our meeting prayed and thanked God for always giving us reason to sing!

 (We are trying to recover from another ice storm. Glad our electricity is back! Soon after the previous post we joined those who were out of power...hydro-power, that is;-) The electricity is back but not the trees! many lost trees! We, at our house are mourning the loss of our red maple and a big piece of our Manitoba Maple!)

In spite of the sudden way life changes gears
And thus reminds us of all time endears
In spite of how smiles can end in love’s tears
God gives us reason to sing

In spite of all that we once held then lost
As we learn how to love what matters most
Counting with new, humble rev’rence, its cost
God gives us reason to sing

In spite of all that is waiting to be
Poured between future and soon-history
Where its fulfillment nobody can see
God gives us reason to sing

Sing for the love that will never forsake
Sing for the hope that tunes every day break
Sing for the mercy and grace we partake
From God who gives reason to sing

© Janet Martin

It's been a hectic and wearing few days but today was spent with family and friends, counting blessings and remembering the reason we have to sing...

"Why do you seek the living One among the dead? "He is not here, but He has risen!
Luke 24:5-6

Hope is the joy we celebrate not only on Easter Day but Every Day!

Hope to share more photos on the morrow!