Friday, October 23, 2015

Moment-ous Masterpiece

While sitting in the Dr.'s office with my mother-in-law this morning, 
I was blown away by the culmination of moments 
creating a room filled with kind-tempered, compassionate Masterpieces of Beauty.(a lot of them likely 80+ yrs. in the making:)

Distracted and deceived
By appearance we
Are apt to overlook
Masterpiece-stories tucked beneath
The bark of a book

Persuaded by emotion
Sometimes perhaps we
Forget the read-worthiness
Of an old
Gnarled tree

Time dispenses moments
A loyal, benevolent thief
Rendering beauty far deeper
Than the lilting
Span of leaf

Distracted and deceived
By appearance of
Moments accumulated
We are apt to overlook 
Masterpieces Time created

© Janet Martin

Masterpieces take Time.

OctPoWriMo day 23: a drop in the ocean
 or how the accumulation of many 'Smalls' creates something Big.


  1. I am so taken with this:
    "Sometimes perhaps we
    Forget the read-worthiness
    Of an old
    Gnarled tree"

    wonderful. YES.

  2. Beauty! If only we could observe the beauty around us.

    1. Sometimes its hard to accept the fact that the world holds SO much beauty we will never see, but in that is the reminder not to miss the beauty we CAN see!

      Thank-you Sunita:)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!