Thursday, August 4, 2011

Today I Took the Time


Today I took the time
…and realized it really took
No time at all

Today I heard
…saw, touched and tasted…



  1. Janet ~ You really have 'an eye' for great pictures! Thanks for sharing a few miracles...

  2. Thank-you....but, it really is about taking the time to 'see', isn't it. Life can become such a rush. Seeing God in its moments makes all the difference!...of course...I am able to say that because I am not bed-ridden in pain. For those who see God there...are truly beautiful people!
    God Bless.

  3. I agree... unless you stop and take in God's blessings, they just go by in a blur. As a nurse, I've encountered some amazing people who stay strong and true to God through tough, painful times. They are such an example to me and others...


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!