Friday, July 7, 2017

Lumps in our Throats...for moms

“Don’t worry too much”, my middle daughter tried to reassure me,
(as I 'expressed concerns' for her upcoming 'adventure')
 “like, just worry the normal mom-amount, okay? 
But not more than that! I’ll be fine!”

Ah, torn we are, twixt laughter and a lump lodged in our throats
Sweet Innocence is lovely without holes to fray its coats
My, but we’ve come a long way from those girlish, carefree days
When we scoffed at our anxious mother’s worry-tender ways

Now humble knees bend while pleas wend to God from helpless thought
And it is our turn to learn the trust our mothers sought
Where oft words would be reckless if first impulses would spew
But for ‘aha’; once we were wishful-thinking daughters too

Time is a patient Teacher; we all leave lost worlds behind
Surprised by changeless truths that youth is soon destined to find
Then torn we are twixt laughter for the girl she used to be
And tears; because the road is hard to true humility

How precious is the tick of clocks in childhood’s little leap
How pivotal this pit-stop; ‘now I lay me down to sleep
For far too soon they drop their silver spoon and tiny coats
And leave us standing in the doorway with lumps in our throats

© Janet Martin

Years ago a local middle-aged DJ, Gary Doyle told his radio audience that he asked his mother how old he was when she stopped worrying about him.
She replied, I'll let you know!


  1. I was doing okay, but the last two lines of your poem got the best of me..I find that the worry increases with years..

    1. Yes, I find that too and thus, the number of prayers prayed increases too! I often thank God that I have lots to keep my hands busy so I don't let worry/legitimate concerns consume me!
      I won't be blogging for a few days...see you next week:)
      Thank-you as always, for your visits!

    2. p.s. also, what is the normal mom-amount of worry???;-))

  2. This is such a beautiful feeling expressed.

    1. Martin, thank-you so much for your continued kindness through reading and comment! deeply touched.


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!