
Thursday, January 30, 2025

Oh God, The Giver of Our Days...

Create in me a clean heart, O God; 
and renew a right spirit within me.

Yesterday on Facebook, my youngest sister
 shared a treasured memory, from three years ago...
all the more treasured now,
 because never again will we three be together 
on this side of Heaven!
(I'm so thankful someone offered to take a picture of the three of us)

Click HERE for the last pic of the three of us,
on Lucy's last birthday...
(We three were together on my birthday in June as well
but no one thought to take a picture)

From left to right, Marlene, Lucy, Janet

Loss fine-tunes our hearts to the holiness of Today, doesn't it?!
because we are reminded that we never know
 what tomorrow will bring! (or today!)
Oh, how this perspective humbles our thankfulness for...
Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, 
and cometh down from the Father of lights, 
with whom is no variableness, 
neither shadow of turning.
James 1:17

Oh God, The Keeper of our days
Anoint our lips with hymns of praise
For thy safe-keeping through the night
For mercy, kindling morning light...

Oh God, the Giver of our days
Instill in us a heart of praise
And fill our thought, not with want's trove
But with Thy hope, joy, peace and love
Waken anew, Thy sacred call
To serve Thee from morn to nightfall

Oh God, The Keeper of our days
Anoint our lips with hymns of praise
For thy safe-keeping through the night
For mercy, kindling morning light
For Thy faultless and faithful will
Thy perfect purpose to fulfill

Oh God, the Taker of our days
Instruct us in Your righteous ways
Equip us with Thy armour, Lord
The shield of faith, the Spirit's sword
In labor be our strength and might
In pleasure, be our pure delight

Oh God, the Lender of our days 
Evoke in us believing praise
To trust, rather than understand
The law of love's perfect command
And recognize, with humbler bent 
This Gift of Day that thou hast lent 

Oh God, beholder of our thought
Teach us to treasure what we ought
Where mercies past, in vast amount
Are far too copious to count
Then God, kind Giver of our days
Overflow humbler hearts with praise

In the Name of our almighty and everlasting God,

© Janet Martin


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!