
Friday, January 31, 2025

Farewell, dear January...

January has been watered with many a private tear
and strengthened through many a private prayer!
Thank-you, everyone who has been part of this army
of casting our cares on God!

January granted some much needed down-time,
though not totally by choice but due to 
a variety of cold and flu bugs... 

January has given me a start in tackling
some long-procrastinated tasks;

January has thrilled my snow-loving 'inner child' with heaps of it!!
(good, old-fashioned winter in Ontario)

January always makes me extra-thankful
for warm homes and simple, wholesome food
gathered in glorious summer...

Prepping veg frittata and sweet-potato fries (an air-fryer fav!)

January has blessed me tenderly,
 with many words and mementos of love
from thoughtful friends and family

January is such a wonderful way to begin
a New Year; its slower pace
(if we discipline ourselves to make it so)
grants us opportunities to reflect 
on days/God's faithfulness past
and reevaluate our goals for hope's ahead.

Yesterday Victoria (daughter)
remarked how January flew by!!
yet, Christmas seems so long ago!
I agree!!

To every thing there is a season,
and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
Farewell, dear January...

Farewell, sweet January days 
Of earth tucked beneath stars and lace...

Of, 'oh, how can I count the ways'
I love your slower, simpler pace...

Of home-sweet-home contentment's blaze
Of tea-pot where happiness steeps...

Of awnings that command awed gaze
As heavens crown snow-swaddled sweeps

Farewell, sweet January days 
Of earth tucked beneath stars and lace
Of, 'oh, how can I count the ways
I love your slower, simpler pace
Of home-sweet-home contentment's blaze
Of tea-pot where happiness steeps
Of awnings commanding awed gaze
As heavens crown snow-swaddled sweeps

Farewell, dear January lull
The threshold of another year
If the Lord wills, of push and pull
Of laughter's vim and heartache's tear
  Where birth and death will lend life's best;
Love's utter joy and utter grief
Where Abraham's God still will test
Faith's untried measure of belief  

Cheers, January, bittersweet  
While Old Man Winter huffs and blows
We find a comfy window seat
To watch five-star bird-feeder shows
While wiggling toes in cozy socks
And giggling at bickering breeds
Where a flurry of feathers rocks
 Tables replete with supplied needs 

Farewell, fond January hours
Farmer and gardener's respite 
Before a fresh season of flow'rs
And fields to plant, awe and excite 
Farewell, fleet, fickle afternoon
Still twilight's early, easy prey
Before we welcome the glad boon
Of February's 'longer day' 

© Janet Martin

Cheers, January, bittersweet  
While Old Man Winter huffs and blows
We find a comfy window seat
To watch five-star bird-feeder shows...

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