
Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Faith's Sacred Enrollment

Through what lies behind
we are being prepared
for what lies ahead!

Regret has but one merit;
to learn from it


God cares for each of us beyond our wildest comprehension;
and invites us to cast our cares on Him!
Why do I/we often attempt to shoulder care
as if He didn't care?!!


What great fun and frustration, as we cheer on
our favourite teams, for better or worse!

When we put our faith in God
we become part of a 'team'
whose 'Coach' puts us through drills we often don't recognize
unless/until they produce His desire's sacred result;
a more humbly prayerful people.

Oh Lord, we give thee thanks
Whatever comes our way
May circumstance unveil the ranks
That teaches us to pray
...that tutors hope and trust
Though sorrow's throes increase
As we surrender what we must
You fill us with your peace

Lord, nothing is too hard
For You to will and do
Where the deceiver preys, you guard
The heart, humble and true
And should we stumble, still
You do not turn away
But with the shards of broken will
You teach us how to pray

Oh Lord, kindly renew
Our courage through your love
Help us to wholly lean on You
The wellspring of Enough 
For we know no true loss
Whatever comes our way
As long as You command/commend the cross 
That teaches us to pray

To wallow in regret
Is futile; Lord, pray we
Will learn from the mistakes that set
More sorry sights on Thee 
Forgiver of our sin
Help us as You prepare
The sacred drills faith enrolls in; 
Today's lessons in prayer

Our faith ought never be
In throne-rooms of this world
Lord, open eyes of faith to see
Your mighty Hand unfurled
Then, as a soldier/soul-dier true
Whatever comes our way
 Help us to put our trust in You
Who teaches us to pray

Your strength, through weakness gleams
In grief, Your comfort cheers
From the ash-heaps of broken dreams
We cry; Your kindness hears
And bends to bind the ill
That comes through creature care
That tests us with love's best until
We lean on You in prayer
 © Janet Martin 

Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; 
and lean not unto thine own understanding.
 In all thy ways acknowledge him,
 and he shall direct thy paths.


  1. This reminded me of my devotional this morning. I am doing Tara-Leigh Cobble's The Bible Recap (I'm on Day 290) and one thing that was said today was, "We're not bugging Him when we ask for faith and help, we're honoring Him." And a couple of days ago, in the same study, a point that was made was that nothing is too big or too small for God. He sees and cares about all the details because He can. He is big enough for them all. He is infinite while we are finite--so we are to cast away~ Anyway, it's true, we sometimes try to shoulder alone when we aren't intended to. I am trying to put this into more practice <3

    1. Tara-Leigh Cobble's The Bible Recap is on my want-to-do list!! I keep hearing how helpful and encouraging it is. (a few of my friends are doing her is a podcast ??) ' He is infinite while we are finite--so we are to cast away~ ' I love it<3 And me too, trying to put it into much needed practice.

  2. I am really getting so much out of it! It is a podcast. I'm doing mine through the YouVersion Bible app. <3


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!