
Monday, January 20, 2025

Monday Morning/Every Morning Prayer and Praise...


Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
 They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
 “The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”

Quicken us, Lord, with Your Spirit, with wealth of Thy wisdom
Lest we would, for some earth-trinket forfeit Heaven's Kingdom
Lest through the love of an idol we lose Intercession
Lest the tongue we do not bridle hinders sin's confession
Lest by breaking one commandment we offend all others
Lest, by errant understanding we cause stumbling brothers
Lest pride's vile infatuation blinds us to faith's calling
Lest the deceiver's temptation binds us to down-falling
Lest greed becomes the go-getter breeding selfish living
Forging from blessing a fetter rather than thanksgiving
Lest we lose this life by loving Self's death-doomed direction
Lest we forget choices proving who consumes Affection
Lest we choose, when life is ended,( sooner than expected)
Compensation we befriended by Who we neglected/rejected
Quicken us Lord, with Your Spirit's steadfast, sweetest pleasure
Lest we value more the merit of earth's fleeting treasure

© Janet Martin 


Mercy, new each morning
What more do we need
To grace our sojourning
To cheer word and deed
To bolster hope's yearning
To secure faith's sail
Mercy, new each morning
Love that will not fail

© Janet Martin 


Lord, You know what today/this week will bring
And what its charges will entail
Lord, there is no chink in Your wing
The armour You forge will not fail

Lord, with truth and humility
Let our light shine forth, and then
Through each good deed may others see
You, and glorify You. Amen

© Janet Martin 



  1. I love each one, Janet. That first one, especially, fed me. Needed it, friend.

  2. God bless you, my friend. For my morning praying time I have a paper with a list I follow because it seems right now there is prayer-need everywhere! You are on that list, my dear! I pray for your encouragement and that God would supply your need for the day<3

  3. Thank you so very much <3 I appreciate that more than you know!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!