
Thursday, January 23, 2025

White as Snow or Triumph's Reservoir

Genesis 15:1
...Fear not,  Abram, (Janet, and all who believe.)
I am Thy Shield and Thy exceeding great reward.

Prayer is the greatest power-source in the universe.
Why do we so often settle for something/someone less
than the Best?!! 
Through God's Word and humble prayer we, through Him,
become who He created us to be

We will never be all we or others wish us to be...
Until/unless we have been crucified with Christ and
then we can be infinitely more
 than thought humanly possible,
not to please people,
but, by and to the honour and glory of God!

The 'more' Christ works in us
may never be applauded by the masses
or perhaps, often times, even noticed...
Such as
The private victory over temptation,
The bridled tongue, 
The second mile,
The altar of sacrifice,
The yielded will, (oft-repeated)
The peace that God alone grants
to all who fear Him and seek/strive 
to live in obedience to His commandments...
The sacred fulfillment of 'Love one another'
The joy, gloriously, mysteriously complete
though we sorrow/suffer,
The power to truly and completely forgive!
...but God knows
and keeps a precious record
of our earthly relationship with Him,
until, some day when we will see Him face to face;
Jesus Christ, our salvation, who through His shed blood,
though our sins were like scarlet
He washed us white as snow!

Wash and make yourselves clean.
Take your evil deeds out of my sight;
stop doing wrong.
17 Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed.[a]
Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.

18 “Come now, let us settle the matter,”
says the Lord.
“Though your sins are like scarlet,
they shall be as white as snow;
though they are red as crimson,
they shall be like wool.
19 If you are willing and obedient,
you will eat the good things of the land;
20 but if you resist and rebel,
you will be devoured by the sword.”
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken.

Read the whole dire chapter HERE

Imagine if snow was scarlet, like sin, instead of white, like redemption!!!
How glorious its whiteness suddenly seems! 🙏

When the groan of Intercession yields no dramatic reply
When our sorrowful confession does not move the earth and sky
When the evidence of Seeing challenges Faith's Things Hoped For

God, whose faithfulness and justice vexes logic's rationale  
He beholds The Precious Many, ignorant of Calvary 

Love, beyond all comprehension bore death's cross in our stead 
God, rich in mercy's compassion, gave His Own to pay sin's debt
He is ever interceding, for all who call on the Lord

Love, beyond all comprehension holds eternity at bay
Love, whose scarlet intervention washes sin's cursed stains away
White as snow, Redemption's River courses, bridging death's dark rift 
Would that all would trust the Giver of Salvation's sacred gift
Then, though groans of Intercession yield no visible reply
When our sorrowful confession does not move the earth and sky
When the evidence of needing challenges Faith's Things Hoped For
'Christ in us', transforms faith's pleading into Triumph's Reservoir 

© Janet Martin 


  1. Replies
    1. thank-you<3 So much has my mental wheels turning regarding the all-encompassing diligence of faith! Through faith we have everything to either lose or gain!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!