
Thursday, October 17, 2024

While God Works Together For Good...

Lucy's love for bikes is evident in her home décor...

Wall print 



And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God,
to those who are the called according to His purpose.

The above reference is printed on a chalk board in my sister's Lucy's kitchen,
in the wake of her death;
 a chalkboard that always held a favourite quote, 
bible verse or nugget of wisdom...

Today marks one month since her passing 💔🙏
The break turned out shorter than I thought it would.
I guess poetry is how I process life...and death

Yesterday our church family, along with extended family and friends
laid to rest a dear brother, age 60, 
our care pastor, as well as a husband, dad and grandpa 
who, only a few weeks previously, was diagnosed with cancer...
'life seems a blur of tears, prayers and indescribable comfort'
I texted my sister this morning as we remembered the one month mark
of Lucy's sudden departure!
(my brother-in-law/ Lucy's husband, said,
 'it feels like yesterday and a lifetime ago')

Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
Matt. 5:4 
Through the truth in the above verse, 
we are being incomprehensibly blessed

We do not understand the good that oft wears grief’s disguise
Lord, help us trust Thy hand that could have stayed the test that tries
But did not; help us yield our heart with ‘not my will but Thine’
While we behold the bitter part logic cannot define

While You work together for good the brokenness of dreams
And wills, and love misunderstood where mercy’s tide still streams
And works in ways foreign to us, oft ruled by what we see
Oh Lord, our God help us to trust the hope we have in Thee

…while you work together for good beyond most noble thought
Thy purpose, when Thy Hand that could have spared Thee, but did not
You loved, obedient to death (even death on a cross)
Then, help us, with each gifted breath to humbly suffer loss

While You work together for good this life’s troubles, oh God
Help us to not despise the rude appearance of Thy rod
But help us trust in Thee, without explanation’s demands
As we surrender every doubt into Thy nail-scarred hands

While You work together for good that which seems cruelty
While through the power of Your blood, hope abides faithfully
Through every circumstance unkind, while love and mercy pour/roar
Help us, with heart, soul, strength and mind to trust you more and more

© Janet Martin

I spend one day a week with my mother-in-law.
This afternoon while she snoozed I read through
the memories shared in this book by Lucy's friends and family,
(so touching and precious)

Until today, I just couldn't collect my thoughts enough to attempt writing anything
Today I tried...this is the last bit.
'Oh, how I miss her'

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!