
Monday, June 4, 2018

Hello Sweet June

Hello sweet June, the Brigadoon of winter’s fireside fantasy
Fairest art thou, of feathered bough and rainbow-ravished tapestry
Birth’s beauty-queen as purest green enshrouds earth in verdant facade
Compelling us (of fret and fuss) to pause full-awed by gracious God

Hello sweet June of lark and loon and dark extinguished before day
Hello, lost lane of daisy-chain and summer’s glad hip-hip-hooray
Where Hope deploys lupine-shaped joys and flower-fronds so fondly missed
Time’s color-wheel spills spas surreal, as winter-woes are crooned and kissed

Hello sweet June, of lofty tune whispered in green-leaf canopy
Composer of gardens we love and nature’s fairest poetry
Bud-acious Best; without request the faithfulness of seasons stuns
And fills our eyes with fresh surprise; both time and bud grants no reruns

Hello sweet June of yellow noonday opal set on sapphire sweep 
A belvedere of petal cheer and pools of cool shadow, knee-deep
Kind friend so true, we welcome you with working hands and worship’s heart
To have and hold red-purple-gold until July bids June depart

© Janet Martin


  1. Replies
    1. thank-you Regine. I hope it added sparkle to your day!

  2. This is so beautiful, Janet. Both words and images! A feast for the eyes and soul. Lovely.

    1. thank-you as always for your uplifting words of appreciation!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!