
Monday, February 10, 2025

Of That Which Was

Wow! Where did last week go??
Oh yes, now I remember...
It slipped, as every moment has
Through That Which Is
To That Which Was...

Its beaming bloom...


...and fell
pressed on pages of history, for now...

What a crucial place That Which Was is!
Why? Because That Which Was is the title of a book
that holds the story of our life!
Each day is like a page where we pen living proof
(or lack thereof,)
of our loving devotion to God.

Monday is kind of like the beginning to a new chapter,
where though many things unfold beyond our full control
our response to each circumstance is up to us;

19 Now the works of the flesh are evident, 
which are: [d]adultery, [e]fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, 
20 idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies,
 outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies,
 21 envy, [f]murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like; 
of which I tell you beforehand, just as I also told you in time past, 
that those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, 
longsuffering, kindness, goodness, 
faithfulness, 23 [g]gentleness, self-control. 
Against such there is no law. 
24 And those who are Christ’s have crucified the flesh 
with its passions and desires. 
25 If we live in the Spirit, let us also walk in the Spirit. 
26 Let us not become conceited,
 provoking one another, 
envying one another.

 Does this not make you grateful for the loving grace of God 
Each morn He heaps a plateful of fresh mercies to applaud 

The soft velocity of Time doles out in equal share
That which soon fades into a clime filled with spent moment-fare
While momentum of tick-tock tolls the tempo to a charge
That, like a phantom ocean rolls through each Soul's mortal Barge

That Which Is grants from God, fresh chance to trust and try again
No matter what the circumstance He will not fail. Amen
Though oft we do, His love is faithful to forgive each sin
That we confess. His blood is able to cleanse us within 
So, though life is full of mistakes and disappointment's rue
We find amidst its much heartbreak much loving kindness too 
Like golden stars that glimmer on backdrops of 'live and learn'
Where we are all beginners with each morning's new page-turn

 Does this not make you grateful for the loving grace of God 
Each morn He heaps a plateful of fresh mercies to applaud 
To redeem well What Is, with reverent regard because
The Ink of Reply does not miss the (holy) mark of That Which Was

© Janet Martin 

For it is written:
“As I live, says the Lord,
Every knee shall bow to Me,
And every tongue shall confess to God.”
12So then each of us shall give account of himself to God.
  13Therefore let us not judge one another [d]anymore, 
but rather resolve this, not to put a stumbling block 
or a cause to fall in our brother’s way.


If you feel so led, I invite you to pray
for loved ones mentioned HERE and HERE?!!
Their prayer-needs are not over yet.
The family, who, through many prayers
God provided a home, moved into their new home on Saturday
and would cherish continued prayers 
as they unpack and adjust!


And also for our church family member
 who broke his leg in Dec. and who still 
has a long road to recovery ahead.
Please pray for both healing and encouragement!
Pray that we may listen to the Spirit's prompting
to know how help and how to cheer him and his family


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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!