
Saturday, February 22, 2025

Not For Nothing, This...

We are all part of a 'secret service'
only our Creator knows as
He beholds our hearts...
Does it sometimes seem like the altar of today
is heaped with ashes of sacrifice rather than reward?
Take heart, my dear!
There is a much bigger picture
than the part we see!

And let us not grow weary while doing good, 
for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart.

Not all 'rewards' are as quickly beheld
as the treat inside a popping corn kernel!

Grand-sonny could not contain his exhilaration
as they tried out their new stir-crazy last night! 😋😍

No, it is not for nothing, nor forgotten or ignored
No, every loving sacrifice will gain a rich reward
So fix your eyes upon the prize that only faith can win
When God Himself will say 'well done' and bid Thee enter in

No, it is not for nothing, every secret second mile
Or earnest intercession between Abba and his child
Or every 'cup of water' given in the Name of He
Who sees in secret but someday will reward openly 

No, it is not for nothing, to live with Heaven in view
To give love's highest honour to He whom all praise is due
To love your neighbour as yourself, to be earth's sav'ry salt
Knowing what matters most is treasure poured/stored in Heaven's vault 

No, it is not for nothing but for God, who sees the heart
And a much bigger picture than we who see but in part
Until that day when face to face, His beauty we will see
As He reveals faith's resting place for all eternity  

Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!