
Monday, February 17, 2025

A Picture (Full of Pictures)

My current roles as a member of my family are daughter, sister, wife, mother,
grandmother, aunt, niece, sister-in-law, mother-in-law,
Those to whom I was granddaughter and daughter-in-law have passed on)

In Ontario we are celebrating Family Day!
My thankfulness for family has been refined
in 2024 like never before
and my heart wears an unutterable ache
for all whose family circles this year have a gap
where Loved One used to be.
In place of warmth and vitality, a precious picture...

A picture full of pictures!!

Our Family/Valentine's dinner planned for last night
 will hopefully happen next Sunday!
Postponed due to weather
Thankfully we had a few eager volunteers who 'ventured' out to help mom-dad, 
grandma-grandpa eat a big pan of stew and strawberry pie 😊😋💝

and one more, courtesy of Grandson

Each day God gives us a fresh start
To develop a work of art
That, when we go from whence we came
Will be the picture of our name
Will be the echo of our creed
The heirloom cast by word and deed
An everlasting legacy
 Of love for God and family

Each day we ought to bear in mind
The part of us we leave behind
The one thing that death cannot claim
The precious picture of a name
How humbly aware we should be
Of lovely little words like 'we'
And 'us' and 'family' and such
Before one slips beyond our touch

Each day bestows to all a brush
With daub and splash, with pull and push 
And often without second thought
The hues of love and life are wrought
Where we have none but self to blame
For the picture of our name
That will unveil ultimately
Our love for God and family

Each day lengthens and shortens life sister, brother, husband, wife
As father, mother, daughter, son
Someday the picture will be done
A keepsake that we cannot see
But leave behind for family
A treasure that death cannot claim
The precious picture of a name

© Janet Martin 

Our Father who art in Heaven,
Hallowed be Thy Name...

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!