
Friday, January 10, 2025

Like Diamond Confetti or Ode to January/Winter

Dazzling beholders with morn's molten ambience
Showcasing barren tree's elegant poise....

(Oh dear, this post/poem turned out a little longer than intended
but every time I aimed for a 'last stanza'
it inspired another! 
So this can be either one long poem
or four four-stanza poems)

I always look forward to the season of January and February!
A welcome and gentle exhale after fall rush 
and Christmas celebrations...

 This is the season to slow down and savour
The simmer of supper, 

the shimmer of stars...

 Let masterpieces by Jack Frost astound you...

Unwind in the gentle hue of candle glow...

Be kinder, to yourself and to those around you
Dance in a world of blue sky and white snow

 Glad for the grandeur of every season
Mad with thanksgiving for beauty of snow...

For earth swaddled in feathers wafting from Heaven
Composing a canvas to capture the show...

While we scold bold sparrow hawk,

perched on yon limb...

1. This is the season to slow down and savour
The simmer of supper, the shimmer of stars
Tossed earthward, like diamond confetti, to favour
The landscape with glitter to gild barren bars

2. This is the season to let wonder thunder
With astonished pleasure, at nature’s repose
To cherish the healing of wounds left by summer 💔
To feel the gift Restoration’s Pace bestows

3. …to treasure a sabbath for hands that grow callous
From tasks that Yard Duty renders, spring to fall
To be an awed tenant in Contentment’s palace
Glad for the rhythms of Winter’s Madrigal

4. Glad for the grandeur of every season
Mad with thanksgiving for beauty of snow
For earth swaddled in feathers wafting from Heaven
Composing a canvas to capture the show


5. This is the season to ease expectation
To retire from Strict Demand’s rigorous rule
Take time to crunch-crunch through Courtyards of Creation
To admire trees finely bedecked in white tulle

6. Take time to dabble in scrabble-game duels
To thrill at words, like ‘cozy fireside nook’
Thread grief-tender heartstrings with love’s precious jewels
Linger like a lover twixt Cover of Book

7. Let masterpieces by Jack Frost astound you
Unwind in the gentle hue of candle glow
Be kinder, to yourself and to those around you
Dance in a world of blue sky and white snow

8. This is the season for dream-perfect gardens
Lush blooms flourishing ‘neath unwearied vim
For Poet to cease to beg clock for kind pardons
Time’s taut tether loosed; lyrics tumble and glim


9. This is the season to turn into laughter
As 'simmer of supper' is served piping hot
As love gazes longer, before Ever After
Captures pretty pictures in frames soon forgot

10. This is the season to savour, hope-heady
Where moments are anything but commonplace
Tossed earthward from Heaven, like Diamond Confetti
Dazzling creation with four-season grace

11. Dazzling beholders with morn's molten ambience  
Showcasing barren tree's elegant poise
Doffed of lofty leaf-lays; yet, striking in silence
This is the season of unexpected joys

  12. While we count our blessings, hot coffee, spaghetti
While we scold bold sparrow hawk, perched on yon limb 
While fresh snowfall glitters like Diamond Confetti
While ev'ry breath beckons a thanksgiving hymn 


13. Old Man Winter masters the technique of swirls
Pity the bystander, blind to the bliss
Of marvelous artwork only his brush unfurls
In this season of too much magic to miss 

14. Darling, winter's hours are like icicles
Darling, the flowers, still soft-slumbering 
Cannot long constrain the warm zephyr that tickles 
The deeps of a haven that harbours fair spring

15. So, sing hallelujah for winter beauty
Praise the wise Creator for His perfect plan
Rest from the charges of plant-harvest duty 
Rejuvenation for flora and man  

16. This is the season to slow down and listen...
Snow-sermons and symphonies can leave souls awed 
Ah, this is the season of frost-stars that glisten
Like diamond confetti, tossed earthward, from God

© Janet Martin

 Old Man Winter masters the technique of swirls...

Take time to dabble in scrabble-game duels...

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