
Tuesday, January 14, 2025

A Most Glorious Reminder or Our Greatest Reason to Rejoice

From Streams in the Desert Vol. 2

Our greatest reason to rejoice resounds like bells that peal
Across a worldwide countryside with unaffected zeal
To rally in the battlefield and playground of the heart
A reinvigorated hymn of praise ‘how great Thou art’

Our greatest reason to rejoice transcends the dust of days
Reviving on devotion’s wick, worship’s rekindled blaze
Thanksgiving humbles human-natured Want, and rebukes pride
That blinds us to the Greatest Gift only God can provide

Our greatest reason to rejoice delights the deepest woe
He cheers and calms our fears with peace, this world can never know
Bidding faith not to falter in the face of ridicule
For time can never alter what this world can never rule

Our greatest reason to rejoice is Trustworthy and True
God will not fail, if we but ask, He will courage renew
And we will find, if we but seek, His Ever-Present Voice
If we knock He unlocks Our Greatest Reason to Rejoice

The critic cannot cheapen it, nor scoffer quench its vim
Our greatest reason to rejoice no doom or gloom can dim
But in the darkest hour, when Death unleashes its roar
And in the darkest hour when Death swings ajar its door
Our Greatest Reason to Rejoice increases all the more

© Janet Martin

Come, Gracious Spirit-Simon Browne 1720

  1. Come, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
    With light and comfort from above;
    Be Thou our Guardian, Thou our Guide,
    O’er every thought and step preside.
  2. The light of truth to us display,
    And make us know and choose Thy way;
    Plant holy fear in every heart,
    That we from God may ne’er depart.
  3. Lead us to holiness, the road
    Which we must take to dwell with God;
    Lead us to Christ, the living Way,
    Nor let us from His pastures stray.
  4. Lead us to God, our final rest,
    To be with Him forever blest;
    Lead us to Heav’n, its bliss to share,
    Fullness of joy forever there.

Lord, as we repent and believe
And then your greatest gift receive
Let Your Power and Glory pour
Through each soul's endless reservoir
To fill each gifted breath we draw
With worship's everlasting awe


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