
Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Time Never Feels Quite Long Enough

When it comes to love
Time never feels quite long enough

A rare everyone-home evening on the weekend;
when time never feels nearly long enough 

Time never feels quite long enough, it often seems to me
These precious days we dearly love fly by, don’t you agree
How beautiful and terrible the tug of heartstrings ache
Where hello soon bears farewell hugs in Loving’s give and take

Time never feels quite long enough where love and laughter meld
To keepsakes in a treasure-trove of echoes fondly held
Where sometimes, in love’s sentimental joy and sorrow-wake
We grow reluctant to count candles on a birthday cake

Where children seem to hurry so to run sweet childhood through
And we try not to worry oh, while growing older too 
Where dawn is soon dusk's blue tableau where shadow steeples sprawl
And holding turns to letting go while smiles brim and tears fall 

Time never feels quite long enough in the fine company
Of ‘perfectly imperfect’ love of friends and family
Which makes me hunger for Love’s timeless bliss still set before
Up yonder where no parting is, in Love’s Forevermore

Time always only gives and takes today, no more, no less
Its intangible ocean breaks our hearts with happiness
While teaching us through pray-push-shove, when it comes to farewell
Time never feels quite long enough for all love wants to tell

© Janet Martin

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