
Wednesday, July 3, 2024

This is the Life

'This is the life!' I sometimes find myself repeating,
as the raw brunt of it rushes away another day midst work and play I sense the precious shimmer of summer skimming
 the surface of sod and skin, while sweeping souls
in Rites of Passage back to the Giver of life.
Sometimes my breath is stolen anew
by the re-realization of the brevity of Innocence
as I watch my grandchildren growing up far faster, even
than our children did 😅💞
resulting in renewed earnest endeavor, by the grace of God,
not to take a moment for granted,
not to take holiness for granted but pursue it with
unthwartable purpose!

Pursue peace with everyone, as well as holiness,
without which no one will see the Lord.
15See to it that no one falls short of the grace of God,
and that no root of bitterness springs up to cause trouble and defile many.
16See to it that no one is sexually immoral, or is godless like Esau,
who for a single meal sold his birthright.
17For you know that afterward, when he wanted to inherit the blessing,
he was rejected.
He could find no ground for repentance,
though he sought the blessing with tears.

25 See to it that you do not refuse Him who speaks...

This is the life!! May we, by God's grace
make the sacred most of Today!

Cookies are ready, calls Grandma

...and they all come running!! 😂😂💗

This is the life; the good and bad, the happy-sad of hold-let-go
This the life; the grim and glad, the weathering of yes and no
Hello-goodbye, we laugh, we cry, while growing older by the hour
While learning, teaching, crawling, reaching, planting, reaping, sunshine-show’r

This the life, the joy and strife, of traveling a winding path
Of depth, of height, of gloom, delight, of day and night’s long aftermath
Of touch and taste soon laid to waste, of slowing haste to hear the sound
Of Footsteps in the garden where the place we stand is holy ground

…where commonplace is full of grace and nothing stays the same for long
Where happiness is saying ‘yes’ to righteousness and ‘no’ to wrong
Where gray and gold and heat and cold and work and rest skim sea and sod
Weathering frames where death soon claims this little life that leads to God

…this is the life God grants, a gift of song and dance, of loss and pain/gain
Where seasons swirl, where little girl and boy cannot a tot remain
This is the life; morning, noon, night, how swift God’s gifted seasons glim
Where every life is running rife with Rites of Passage back to Him

© Janet Martin


  1. I see your doggie is waiting for cookies too! How many times have I sighed with a smile and said, "Ahh, this is the life". I enjoyed your musing and take on that phrase in your poem. Liked this line... "where commonplace is full of grace and nothing stays the same for long." Thank Goodness for His grace, every minute. Thanks, Janet!

    1. Thank-you Brenda, for your visit and always rich words of appreciation and understanding! yes, thank goodness for God's grace, which we ought above all, to seek never to forget<3

    2. p.s. it's the neighbour's dog. lol, but he's part of our family too and loves the words treat and snack ;-0


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!