
Monday, April 8, 2024

Unequivocal Eclipse

 Today's poem-a-day challenge from Robert Lee Brewer @ Writer's Digest

For today's prompt, write a major event poem.

A spectacular start to Eclipse Day...

Today bears an air of excited anticipation/expectation
for what has been dubbed a once in a lifetime celestial event!
A total solar eclipse!
Many have made much ado about this rare event!
Imagine if with similar excitement,  we anticipated and prepared for
Another Once in a 'lifetime' Celestial Event!

Behold, He is coming with the clouds, 
and every eye will see Him—
even those who pierced Him. 
And all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of Him. 
So shall it be! 

(Today's poem can be read as one
or as five poem-lets)

To open my eyes to a front row seat
To goodness and mercy is no small fete
To want nothing dearer that God's Hand stayed
And to rejoice in this day He has made
To live in the moment before it is spent
Makes every Today a major event


To feast on the favors/flavors of hope and cheer
And savor the sparkle of Now and Here 
Before Today's Slice within reach becomes
A gaping impression of scattered crumbs
Ah, nothing and no one can capture time spent
Thus, every day is a major event 


The would-have and should have of yesterday lie
Like strewn husks beneath Today's beaming sky
Tomorrow's illusions may never unfold
Today's vault gleams with priceless moment-gold
Let's make the most of its measure soon spent
And treasure Today; a major event 


How lovely the laughter that dries the tear
How brief each leaf in the sheaf of a year
How hardly it seems daybreak spills hope's hues
Before darkly muffled by dusk's adieus  
How dearly then, before Today is spent
We should be tuned to its Major Event 


Each day is like a stepping stone; someday
God will reach down and brush them all away
Someday, each knee will bow, each tongue proclaim
That He is God; holy, holy, His Name 
Someday Unequivocal Evidence
Will eclipse all previous major events

Janet Martin

There's an old quote something like this;
For the believer, this world is as bad as it will get.
For the unbeliever, this world is as good as it will get!

How hardly it seems daybreak spills hope's hues
Before darkly muffled by dusk's adieus  

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