
Friday, March 15, 2024

First Signs of Spring

Blue and gray canopy 

laden with showers

Bashful green filigree 

kindled with flowers...

Landscapes the color of weathered burlap...

Bird-warble wakening earth from its nap...

Robins return with their antics and lays...

Treetops still barren are ringing with praise...

Bleak garden canvases start beckoning
Exciting artists with first signs of spring...

Blue and gray canopy laden with showers
Bashful green filigree kindled with flowers
Lengthening daylight and dusk lingering
These are a few of the first signs of spring

Landscapes the color of weathered burlap
Bird-warble wakening earth from its nap
Stiff breeze and soft zephyr tug-of-warring
Thrilling our thoughts with the first signs of spring

Robins return with their antics and lays
Treetops still barren are ringing with praise
Bleak garden canvases start beckoning
Exciting artists with first signs of spring

Raindrops plip plop in a wild hip-hop dance
Sun-kisses tease eager hearts with romance
Sugar-shacks teem with maple-tree’s sweet fling
Drizzling warm pancakes with first signs of spring

Windows edge upward to let in fresh air
South-facing porches are graced with a chair
Pretty pussy-willow bouquets are purring
From front hall tables with first signs of spring

Refurbished rivulets ripple and glim
God, its great Maestro and joy, its glad hymn
Unfurled, like silver ribbon-song shimmering
Winding through meadows in first signs of spring

© Janet Martin

Pretty pussy-willow bouquets are purring
From front hall tables with first signs of spring...

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!