
Wednesday, January 17, 2024

As We Press Toward the Goal

Dawn’s hoists its mast, ahoy, we cast off to another day
Who knows, but our Captain the full of its come-what-may...

Some of my come-what-may suddenly needs to include a grocery run
when a sudden discovery is made that the household
is in short supply of bathroom tissue!
Nothing quite commands our attention like an empty roll๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ˜‚

It's another frigid and blustery 'ahoy' in southern Ontario

 I LOVE this song as regular readers over the years, may guess๐Ÿ˜…๐Ÿ™

Life sometimes tests our focus as we press toward the goal
Its Glance of Circumstances sometimes blinds us to the Whole
Where Time is like a Barge, heaped with its charge of creature care
And we are like the crew, appointed to our sacred share
Of doing our part to serve, first God, then fellowman
And not to grumble at the task, but do the best we can
With humble recognition of that Final Port of Call
When we will meet the Captain and give account for it all

Sometimes we become disillusioned by That Which Is Not
And seeds of discontentment may start to sprout in our thought
And sometimes we forget, in the belly of much-to-do
The Captain’s main concern is for the welfare of the crew
And though his methods of correction may vex you and me
He never fails; his love is steadfast as steadfast can be
A hand upon the shoulder and an anchor for the Soul
To fit us for each tumult, as we press toward the goal

Dawn’s hoists its mast, ahoy, we cast off to another day
Who knows, but our Captain the full of its come-what-may
But if we trust His promises and follow His command
He will not let us blow off course or wallow in quicksand
Though sometimes we are puzzled by the strategies He takes
To reel in our focus till the last stubborn hold breaks
Then, as we surrender both want and will to His control
We will be of good courage as we press toward the Goal

© Janet Martin

Therefore, holy brothers, who share in the heavenly calling,
 set your focus on Jesus, 
the apostle and high priest whom we confess.

Lord, lest we who ought to by now be anchored unwaveringly in the faith
we confessed as a child, 
lest we wallow in doubt and disillusionment,
and neglect to teach by setting a mature, humble and godly example  
for our children and grandchildren as we ought,
adjust our focus where needful, to remain fixed on you, 
and not the Glance of Circumstance!

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!