
Sunday, July 16, 2023

Endless Good aka Everlasting Love

The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying:
 “I have loved you with an everlasting love; 
I have drawn you with unfailing kindness.

Everlasting; adj. 
infinite, never-ending, eternal, immortal, abiding, perpetual, timeless, unending, enduring

How heartbreaking to  never move beyond the point of seeing God
simply as a kill-joy and rule giver, though we all want and need love
How pitiful/terrible is the belief in the existence of Him
without the joy of the love from and for Him!!

(I've shared this song many times because I love it so much)

From He who does not shift or change His everlasting love
Receive the endless good in which unbelief has no part

…and pray the Lord, for love’s increase, the greatest gift He grants
Is like a glorious masterpiece in every circumstance
To anchor faith and hope, so doubt does not cause us to be

Oh, what a precious family is the family of God
Whose trust is not in what we see but in His faithful word
His promises more dear than anything this world can boast
Like a wellspring of endless good unto the uttermost

For every good and perfect gift comes down from up above
And nothing can deplete the measure of love’s treasure trove
Where, as the love of God becomes alive in you and I
His joy is like a fountain that no sorrow can run dry

…no matter what befalls, love bears us up to bear all things
Christ in us makes love able to suffer all that life brings
Then, though we do not know what waits, Love none can comprehend
Through He who WAS, IS and WILL BE is faithful without end

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