
Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Of Love's Impending Choices

After a stretch of rain last week
every farmer and gardener is paying close attention
to the condition of the soil with common quest;
"is it dry enough to till and plant?!"
And then we will not heedlessly toss seeds here and there
hoping for the best. 
Planting is done with careful heed,
the eye on its harvest!
Imagine if we kept our eyes on the soil of the soul
and planted with careful precision/decision
with our eyes on the harvest!

Across shorelines of morning mercy’s renewed breakers roll...

Across shorelines of morning mercy’s renewed breakers roll
Where wonderment and warning reanoint cause and effect
Of love’s impending choices soon strewn beneath high noon’s toll
Ere Dusk collects the voices that will waft in retrospect

This is no fickle bower that bends with dawn’s blushing ‘yet’
Today’s brief leaf and flower, metes far more than meets the eye
Where though time never lingers, its swift moment-presses set
What slips through lips and fingers into permanent reply

How sacred is the summons that draws us from slumber’s woo
Where this we share in common; we will reap the seeds we sow
This should give us good reason to pay close attention to
What follows planting season and what soon Harvest will show

Dusk holds far more than lullabies beneath its beckoning 
Morn metes far more than beaming skies beneath its gleaming burst
Where love's impending choices wait to author reckoning
Where soon the Harvest voices what was moment-sized at first

© Janet Martin

Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; 
for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.

There is never an isolated action.
For better or worse
Action yields consequence

Some 'consequences are pure joy
such as...cake!
from this...

to this...

 to this...

to this! almost no time at all!

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