
Sunday, January 15, 2023

Oh, Let Love's Incense Rise

Wake up, wake up, break out in song!
Judges 5:12

There is only one way to keep the believer's worship hymn alive!
And that is revisiting the place where by faith we were made whole
at the foot of the cross of Calvary
and to marvel again and again at our Saviour's 
love that suffered so on our behalf

Oh, let love’s incense rise poured out in prayerful throng
Let worship fill the earth and skies with hope’s unflinching song
To He who paid sin’s debt we owe a debt of love
To be as wise as serpents yet as harmless as a dove
To lay aside sin’s weight that easily ensnares
To believe rather than debate what God alone declares

To trust Him and obey; A conscientious thing
To pour on altars of Today Worship’s drink offering
For we are reconciled through grace no one can earn
Through Jesus Christ, who when reviled did not evil return
But yielded unto death to conquer Satan’s strife
So that faith with its dying breath would step from death to life

Because God is not slack concerning promises
Mercy holds heaven’s armies back in prolonged faithfulness
For He so loved the world He gave Himself to win
Deliverance from hell unfurled in punishment for sin
His precepts do not shift while He waits patiently
For all who do not have the gift purchased at Calvary

Oh, let love’s incense rise; poured out with joy and awe
As worship fills the earth and skies with praise for mercy's law
May love's song never cease but ever brim and brim
As more and more receive the peace that only comes from Him
Who is able always to do His perfect will
Then let worship with prayerful praise His glory spill and spill

(...for we have been set free from the death that did wait;
Divorced for all eternity from love, to Satan's hate)
The glory of the cross transforms love's agony
How little is the servant's cost compared to Calvary
 Then sing with heart and soul, the hymn of conquered dread
Because the faith that makes us whole will raise us from the dead

© Janet Martin

And he said unto him, Arise, go thy way: 
thy faith hath made thee whole.
Luke 17:19

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