
Friday, January 6, 2023

Of Real-Time Poetry (and learning to read it)

The end of the old year and the beginning of the new 
have seen very little sunshine in our area!
 Celebrating happiness in today's post! 
Hopefully, it will be like a splash of sunshine in spite of the weather!

The 7-day forecast coming up has yellow in it. yay!

I want to be impacted by the thunder of the clock

I want to be distracted by fallen leaves on the walk 

This is the day the Lord has made.
Let us rejoice and be glad in it.
Psalm 118:24

The hard-pressed quest for happiness can sometimes overlook
The day’s unbridled loveliness in Real Time’s poem-book
Of beauty borne on loved one’s voice, of gladness turned to prayer
Of cherishing the charge of choice with conscientious care

Of birthday boy, wild with pure joy of turning sweet, sweet six
Still unbothered by life’s employ of moment-metered tricks
And diehard quests for happiness where happiness runs free
In the strange font of noise and mess of Real Time poetry

Of little girl who tugs the hand of honored smiles run wild 
(Surely there is nothing so grand as hand-in-hand-with-child)
Where Real-Time poetry can mete no sweeter happiness
Than tugs and hugs and dancing feet and pretty princess dress

Time’s wizened ways, where yesterdays accumulate, become
A surreal haze charged with displays of Real-Time’s soldered Sum
Where change mingled with changelessness teaches us as we age
In hard-pressed quests for happiness, to treasure every page/stage

The changelessness of change adapts to every size and shape
And draws dreamland’s fantastic mats out from beneath rapt gape
Reminding us not to get caught up in fond fantasy
Lest we miss the momentous jot of Real-Time Poetry

The quest for happiness is like a thief that steals the show
While buds turn into leaf and hold turns into letting go
While happiness fills coffers with lyrics that spill and brim
When love becomes the author and when life becomes a hymn

Happiness makes the most of now and here’s imperfect ‘yes’
It takes in stride both smile and tear with humbled thankfulness
Not overcome with yearning for what simply cannot be
Happiness is in learning to read Real-time Poetry

I want to be impacted by the thunder of the clock
I want to be distracted by fallen leaves on the walk 
I wanted be dumfounded no matter which way I look
By poetry unbounded in life's Real-Time Poem Book

© Janet Martin

I learned the first song as a little girl at school!


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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!