
Monday, August 8, 2022


Then Jesus told them a parable about their need to pray at all times 
and not lose heart:

What weight of woe could crush my heart
The cross of creature care
(Where oft love groans beneath the smart
Of faith’s ongoing prayer)
Would be too heavy to endure
Without the joy of He
Who died my pardon to secure
And set my doomed soul free
Thus, I will keep on singing through my tears of joy and grief
While I cry ‘Jesus, I believe, Help thou mine unbelief

…Or else discouragement’s despair
Would hopelessly succeed
And I would find no solace where
Both joy and sorrow bleed
But for the One who calms the storm
According to His will
And tunes me to love’s cruciform
And whispers ‘peace, be still’
Thus, I will keep on praying through my tears of want and need
While I cry, Jesus, hold me closer, while You intercede

…or else the dark of fear and dread
Could never be subdued
No eagle wings of hope to spread
As faith’s strength is renewed
But, because I believe, you pull
Doubt’s blinders from faith’s eyes
With joy unspeakable and full
Of glory’s tear-stained prize
Thus, I will keep on trusting, even though heart-cries increase
While I cry, Jesus, help me, you reply with perfect peace

© Janet Martin

But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; 
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, 
They shall run and not be weary, 
They shall walk and not faint.

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