
Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Something About August

There's something about August in a garden
that thrills me almost as much as Christmas!" I said to Victoria yesterday as we picked
beans, corn, tomatoes, peppers...
beneath a moody, cloudy-heavy awning of mulled blue
fringed with sunflowers.

This after an impromptu picnic at a neighboring woodlot
that we have permission to enjoy whenever we wish!


Something ‘bout August noon yawning
Wind song strumming rows of corn
Cricket concertos, cloud awning
Makes me glad that I was born

Something ‘bout an August garden
Burgeoning with ripened fruit
Sends a rush of satisfaction
From joy’s tassel to its root

There is something so enchanting
‘Bout its morning dipped in dew
With the tarnished past augmenting
Something unsullied and new

Something ‘bout cicada droning
Births soul-billows, bittersweet
For we sense a subtle honing
In the gold and groaning heat

Something ‘bout August ensembles
Plays heart-strings with bows of air
Rise and falling music trembles
Over garnered thoroughfare

Something ‘bout the bees that bumble
From one flower to the next
Something ‘bout the leaves that tumble
Harbours autumnal pretext

Something ‘bout canning pots bubbling
Pickling spice and vinegar
Makes the world feel more un-troubling
Slice, chop, measure, pour and stir

Something about August thrills me
Feels like heaven-realms capsized
Something ‘bout August fulfills me
And undoes me, synchronized 

© Janet Martin 



  1. I LOVE this post, these photos, this poem ... they are a perfect piece of summer in August! I have to come back and bask a bit. And some poems by C.S. Lewis? Cool!

    1. Yes! C.S. Lewis poetry!! I didn't even know there was a book like this until one of the moms I babysit for gifted it to me this summer! It was perfect picnic-reading as well as another book that I hope to share tidbits from soon! Victoria is reading Dandelion Wine by Ray Bradbury;-) It was a perfect moment...well, almost perfect! the field beside our picnic plot had some quite freshly hauled manure on it. lol!! all part of the joy of countryside living! thank-you for letting me know you loved enjoyed<3

  2. Freshly hauled manure...hahaha...the freshest country air!

    1. hahaha!! I said there should really be a song that goes something like this (because last week it seemed that every farmer was spreading --it!!;-/)
      Deck the fields with fresh manure, falalala-lalalala
      tis the season to be sure, falalalalala
      open windows quickly close falalalalalala
      hold your breath or plug your nose falalalalalala! lol!!

  3. Janet! This is so pure and sweet and refreshing to read. Thank you for sharing such simplicity at this moment in time. I hope you and your family are doing well in the midst of the madness. Always love getting your poetry in my inbox!

    1. Hi Trish, and thank-you! in 'this time' I cherish the simple things like never before, don't you?! Hope you and yours are finding lots of simple sweetness as well! Often think of you as you try to keep your business afloat! changing times!


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!