
Saturday, June 6, 2020

Of Receiving What We're Given and Seeds

Last Sunday we drove through the farming community 
where Jim delivers a lot of cattle he brings from the west
(Badger Rose/Dundalk...)
Gorgeous countryside! 

The land is flooded with June’s green for everyone the same
The Giver of each good and perfect gift knows all by name
And we, created in His image all hold equal worth
None less or greater in the eyes of God of Heav’n and earth

Faith’s substance fits inside a seed; and all depend on He
Giver of life, of sun and rain to sustain earth’s bounty
Not one possesses power to refill wellsprings run dry
From which we all draw water as on Mercy we rely

We, all creatures of need by now should surely recognize
That none are least or greater in a Loving Father’s eyes
For He loves all His children, shame on we who are unkind
God grants to all the breath of life for purpose He designed

Then, lest an evil seed takes root within our heart of hearts
Let’s consider where we would be without what God imparts
Inhale, exhale, warm lips wear smile or scowl, we make that choice
As our hearts pump means whereby He gives His children voice

Let's untwist flawed perception and hate's awful prejudgment
Let's think on things true, noble, right, lovely and excellent 
Let's spur each other on toward more love and its good deeds
 Mindful how all that grows begins with nothing but small seeds

© Janet Martin

 “I am the vine; you are the branches. 
If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; 
apart from me you can do nothing.
John 15:5

I was baffled for a moment yesterday as I wondered
at what was sprouting among the rocks in the front flower garden
then I recalled an incident earlier this spring...
Grand-sonny was helping me fill the bird-feeders
but finding the full feeder to heavy to maneuver as his short legs tried
to climb over the rocks he heaved/threw it ahead of him 
and it landed in three pieces on the next layer of rocks planting many seeds!
'It was an accident', he wept, and Grandma reassured him
there was no harm done and we can fix it,
and we did and smiles reigned once more.
'We all have accidents' I told him.
It got me to thinking about how many seeds we plant by accident...
Oh, if only our accidents were as easy to fix as a bird feeder.

Let us hold resolutely to the hope we profess,
for He who promised is faithful.

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!