
Sunday, June 21, 2020

Daddies Of Laddies and Little Girls....

  Is that one the bull, daddy?
This poem started 'percolating' yesterday morning
when I went to a neighboring farm for eggs.
 It appeared they were sold out when Farmer came out of the house
(with a little lad tightly at his heels)
offering to take my egg bowl and fill it from the barn...

...then I stopped by a local roadside stand to pick up some fresh baking
and another dad and his son were splitting wood together...

(the above roadside stand is open for the summer at 7123 Wellington Cty. Rd. 12
Friday and Sat. from 7:30a.m. till 8:00 p.m)

...then in the evening I caught of few precious shots of
Son-in-law explaining many 'why daddy'  things to his son 
such as 'the purpose of the bull is to make cows have baby calves'
how, daddy?...?...?

Happy Father's Day and thank-you to all dads
whatever stage of 'dadding' you are in ...

Oh, what a gift to have a dad who shows the kind of love
We tenderly envision from our Father up above

The dad of lad or little girl has quite a sacred role
Breadwinner for the body and the shepherd for the soul

Those small fellows that follow on the heels of daddies dear
Will soon reflect dear daddy by what laddies see and hear

God bless the dad who gives his all to try diligently
To be the kind of man he hopes his son turns out to be

…and be the kind of man he hopes in some sweet-dreaded ‘glim’
Will sweep his daughter of her feet because he is like him

God bless the dad of lad or little girl and gently guide
And grant them strength and wisdom for all that dads must provide

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!