
Monday, April 13, 2020

Repentance + Belief = Heavenly Inheritance!

 Morning breaks... gray the heavens grieve
but hope wakes joy if we believe

"The time has come," he said.
 "The kingdom of God has come near. 
Repent and believe the good news!"
Mark 1:15

Belief’s repentance must begin within the heart of hearts
“Forgive me Father, I have sinned” then God His grace imparts
As far as east is from the west beneath Redemption’s Roar
Our sins are washed away and He remembers them no more

The joy He sets before us bids us not despise the rod
But helps us to endure the cross until we dwell with God
He offers us His armor; (some have traded it for crud
Like a dog back to its vomit or a washed sow to the mud)

The Lord is rich in mercy; if we confess He forgives
For He longs none to perish but to live because He lives
Our Father up in heaven, help us to hallow Thy name
Because we are forgiven Hope is free of fear and shame

Deliver us from prophets that are false, corrupt, depraved
The wolf dressed in sheep’s clothing, sleepless evil, hell-enslaved
They have no fear of You who overcame; their fate is grim
“For a man is a slave to whatever has mastered him”

Dear Father, be our Master, stir in us love pure and true
Arouse a deep desire just to serve and honor you
For it we repent and believe our soul is secure
The inheritance faith receives makes worth all we endure

© Janet Martin

this poem
Inspired in part by the somber reality of 2 Peter 2 
in today's world!

"even the impossible is Your reality,
Jesus I believe!
(help my unbelief)

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