
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

To Everything There Is a Season...

PAD Challenge day 5: Today is our first Two-for-Tuesday prompt day. Pick one prompt for your poem today, or write a poem for each prompt, or write one poem that works with both. Today’s prompts are:
  1. Write a pleasure poem, and/or…
  2. Write a displeasure poem.
 A peek at past week's pleasure...

Pleasure is intoxication
of a leaf-imbibed farewell
Displeasure, the white invasion
covering the leaves that fell

Pleasure is the crunch and rustle
where the air wears leaf-spun toll
Displeasure is winter's hustle
invading our autumn stroll 

Pleasure is the painted parting
of summer and autumn's clime
Displeasure is winter starting
before its appointed time

Janet Martin 

(this poem may be experienced both literally and metaphorically😉)

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!