
Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Rekindled Comradery...with Fall

It was a fall-ish sun-cloud windy work/play in/near the garden all day...

A chill instills itself it seems
Beneath the surface of our dreams
It rekindles comradery
With knitted things and cups of tea

Fall sparks a storm, wild with desire
For welcome warmth of home-sweet-fires
For supper hour’s muffled blues
For late-day shower’s brooding hues

Fall fills earth’s quills with adjectives
And wakes an ache for what yet lives
While death stalks ev’ry frond and flow’r
With that against which none have pow’r

Fall charms us with its flashy flair
Transforms each hill into a stair
Where if we care to take the time
It will be very worth the climb

Where He from whom all wonders flow
Amazes us with nature’s show
And we feel like an honoured guest
Brag-worthy poor and richly blessed

For fall finds ways to win our hearts
With art only autumn imparts
Ah, gold, magenta, garnet, mauve
Ah, garden’s tangled treasure trove

Ah, harvest spilt in answered prayer
Ah, Beauty lilting everywhere
Ah, glory days of sky and sod
As ah/awe tunes humble praise to God

© Janet Martin

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I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!