
Sunday, September 8, 2019

Pensive Poemlets...

The line twixt want and need
Defines our love and greed
No matter how we try
This marker does not lie
Its wordless evidence
Is rife with recompense
Then we should pay close heed
To wars of want and need

© Janet Martin

Always we should be on our guard, lest we lose sight of truth
Lulled into living without giving God a second glance
Forbid that we with apathy or disregard uncouth
Would grind beneath the heel of unbelief the gift He grants

Always we should remember what so swift is left behind
This little life in light of evermore is but a flit
Then pray that each and every day we keep God first in mind
And live for Him as if our very death depends on it

© Janet Martin

Oh, Unbelief is like a strong and subtle undertow
It draws the fearless bark into deeps dark with deadly foe
Be not deceived; God’s grace and Righteousness is undeterred
Safe is the barge secured upon the anchor of His Word

The pleasures of this world unfurl in colourful appeal
Its lure is pleasing to the eye; it soothes the way we feel
Its attractive veneer can steer us straight into doubt's darts
Unless the word of God is hidden in our heart of hearts

Each breath we take is gifted from the One who does not shift
Steadfast, the vessel fixed on Him will never sink or drift 
But unbelief, hides beneath facades as smooth as jello 
Beware, lest unaware we are snared in its undertow
© Janet Martin

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