
Saturday, June 1, 2019

To The Class Of We Who Are Getting Older

Happy 55th birthday, Hubby!

 Wow, it feels like we simply spin a wheel and another year has passed!
Jim, here is your favorite kind of poem; short😊😍😝

Seasoned Thrills...

No use in pretending
What none can disguise
Where each day is sending
New kinds of surprise
in creak, grunt and groan
as we ease out of beds
and the only youth we own
is inside our heads
But that's okay, darling
If the good Lord so wills
We are just at the beginning
Of love's 'seasoned thrills'

So here's to hoping whatever we weather
We (try to) enjoy coping and discovering 'seasoned thrills' together!
Love, your wife

It’s the prick and the kick and the stumble
The sting in the un-compliment
That keeps the whole lot of us humble
And glad for the simple content
Of living each moment with honour
And knowing, no matter what waits
The One who has granted the hour
No Charge of His Mercy forsakes

It’s the hope and the joy of love’s promise
The looking for something Far More
That keeps the sad lot of us honest
With what only fools will ignore
For oh, what a pitiful struggle
If, after Time’s unflinching Must
All that we accrue for its trouble
Is nothing but ashes and dust

It’s the arm flung over a shoulder
The more selfless, tenderer touch
That keeps we who are getting older
From not minding it quite so much
Where there is no hope of returning
To lavish Youth’s lust of the eye
But always new seasons of learning
And always new reasons to try

It’s finding a beauty much sweeter
Than frames before visage unfurled
It’s seeing, as wrinkles run deeper
Life’s finest faces in the world
It’s tasting, in utter amazement
The flavors of kick-prick-and-sting
And finding a purer replacement
That only surrender can bring

It’s making the most of each moment
Where aches and pains will have their say
It’s seeing the gift, not the garment
It’s treasuring ev’ry new day
It’s laughing instead of lamenting
What none have the means to escape
It’s thanking instead of pretending
As the truth of lost youth takes shape

© Janet Martin

Psalm 40:4
Blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust, who has not turned to the proud, nor to those who lapse into falsehood!

Proverbs 16:20
Whoever heeds instruction will find success, and blessed is he who trusts in the LORD.

 "But blessed is the one who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.

 For distress does not spring from the dust, and trouble does not sprout from the ground.
However, if I were you, I would appeal to God and lay my cause before Him…
Job 5:6-8


  1. Love, love love this! Maybe it's because I can relate! Your hubby is blessed.(PS My hubby likes short, too!)

    1. ;-)) Hi Glynis and thank-you for dropping by and your lovely comments! Yeah, age is starting to get our attention a little more all the time, isn't it?! (Thinking of you lots these days as you mourn the loss of your brother. hugs and prayers)


I hope you enjoyed your pause on this porch and thank-you for your visit!